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Égypte et ex-libris

Valentin BOYER et Arnaud QUERTINMONT (eds).Book in French. This book offers, for the first time in French, a study on the reception, perception and reinterpretation of ancient Egypt in exlibris (bookplates), a very little known artistic medium reserved for the sphere of bibliophiles… (details)

42,00 €
Lexicon van de brusselse edelsmeden uit de 17de eeuw

door Edmond ROOBAERT. — Hier wordt het resultaat van een jarenlang archiefonderzoek te kennen gegeven naar het leven en het werk van 466 edelsmeden die in de loop van de 17de eeuw als goud-of zilversmid werkzaam zijn geweest in Brussel (Meer…)

by Edmond ROOBAERT. — Book in Dutch. This article is the result of many years of systematic archival investigations into the lives of 466 gold and silver smiths at work in Brussels over the course of the 17th century… (details)

115,00 €
Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament

Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.

DetailsThe authorsTable of contents

59,00 €
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Éric RAIMOND. — Through a philological study and a new translation of the Hiero’s mythological chronicle (TAM II.174), I focuss on the epiphany of stone images of Artemis in Pinara and Apollo in Lopta…
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Annunziata ROSITANI. — Reading passages taken from the wide range of texts that fall into the so-called Mesopotamian “wisdom literature” and “popular literature” makes it possible to present a range of female portraits, seen as mothers, wives, sisters, and young brides…
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Éric RAIMOND. — Some texts let appear some rivals, who reveal a pantheon prior to Olympian Order…
Les chevaux du Nouvel Empire égyptien

by Catherine Rommelaere. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Elsa RICKAL. — In French. — Among the many ex-libris devoted to Egypt, only some represent hieroglyphs, which serve various functions…
Eric RAIMOND. — The Goddess Demeter has become an allegory of Nature, whom its complex nature and functions are not sought…
14,50 €
Éric RAIMOND. — Paper about Apollo’s origins through Theonym’s etymology, reflection on first possible appearences in Hittite and Linear B, how he looks like in Ilias and Traditions close to his birth place…
14,50 €
Federica Maria RISO. — The aim of the study is the investigation of funerary rituals  in a necropolis of Mutina (now Modena), a Roman colony of the Cisalpine founded in 183 BC along the Via Aemilia, important both for military-strategic and economic reasons…
14,50 €
Jenny READ-HEIMERDINGER. — The article explores the interest of Codex Bezae as a pre-recensional form of the Gospels and Acts…
Jean REYNARD. — Jean Reynard presents the testimony of Irenaeus for whom Jesus did not die at thirty, but at fifty…
Céline ROHMER and François VOUGA. — Céline Rohmer and François Vouga propose six free variations on the exposition of the Pauline hermeneutical theme according to which the spirit gives life where the letter kills (2 Cor 3:6)…
Foucault, Vernant et la question du sujet dans l’Antiquité. Réflexions sur un débat contemporain
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S. ROUX, « Foucault, Vernant et la question du sujet dans l’Antiquité. Réflexions sur un débat contemporain »,  Res Antiquae 11 Brussels, 2014, p. 189-202.
14,50 €
L’initiation de Diomède dans l’Iliade (Chants 5-6)
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by Éric RAIMOND. — Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman…
14,50 €
Tablette cunéiforme UR III
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by Marie-Christine RAMAEKERS HUE. — Transliteration and translation of a small commercial tablet from Ur III, dated to the destruction of Zabshali…
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — The personnality of Goddess Leto is quite unknown, despite she is the sixth spouse of Zeus and one of the main victims of Hera…
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — Romans keep their attachment to give full powers to a single one, in case of crisis. The period of Civil wars and the liflong dictatorship of Julius Caesar give some testimonies of it…
14,50 €
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by Benedetta ROSSI and Philippe GUILLAUME. — An alternative approach to the so-called ‘law of the Hebrew slave’ in Deuteronomy 15:12-18 is presented, reading the verb מכר in verse 12 as a qal rather than as a nip‘al
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — The number Nine is well-attested in many ancient myths…
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — The number Nine is well-attested in many ancient myths…
14,50 €
Pianificazioni urbanistiche a Bosra nel II e III secolo d.C. Realtà, natura e sostanza degli interventi edilizi romani nella capitale della provincia Arabia
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L’article étudie l’urbanisme de Bostra, capitale de la province romaine d’Arabie à l’époque de Trajan et durant les IIe et IIIe siècles ap. J.-C. Une première partie est axée sur l’analyse de la cité d’époque romaine, en particulier l’architecture civile des deux premiers siècles de la phase provinciale. Dans une deuxième partie sont étudiées les origines, les causes, les modalités et les temps du développement urbanistique de la cité, en mettant en évidence l’idéologie et les caractères socio-culturels résultant de la romanisation. Le schéma interprétatif proposé révèle une ville dans laquelle, bien avant l’attribution du statut de capitale provinciale en 106 ap. J.-C., émerge une identité culturelle hellénistico-romaine. En effet, cette étude met en avant d’une part la coexistence d’éléments locaux de tradition nabatéenne et d’autre part l’adoption de modes de vie allogènes, en particulier romains. Ceci est évident si l’on considère l’apparat monumental du IIe s. ap. J.-C., conditionné par la présence en ville de la IIIe légion Cyrenaica. Le culte impérial est associé aux divinités locales, qui incarnent l’identité religieuse traditionnelle de la population urbaine. Une nouvelle phase de développement monumental est chronologiquement attestée à l’époque des Sévères ; celle-ci modifie le visage de Bostra : à la différence de l’urbanisme pratiqué au IIe s. ap. J.-C., la ville se remplit d’édifices dépourvus de rôle fonctionnel direct mais revêtus d’une forte connotation idéologique.
14,50 €
La vie municipale et religieuse dans les cités du Nord de la Gaule
M.-Th. RAEPSAET-CHARLIER, G. RAEPSAET. — De romanisering van Gallië was een langdurig en moeizaam proces, dat nochtans ondersteund werd door een grondig uitgewerkte institutionele structuur en de aanwezigheid van troepen aan de grenzen, alsook door de integratie van de bevolking in de Romeinse beschaving die doorheen het hele Romeinse rijk handelsverkeer genereert…
14,50 €
Collectes de surface [inventoriées]
A.-F.RASSEAUX. — Ook al is de archeologie een wetenschap, ze brengt voor een stuk ook een bepaalde fascinatie en een zekere verwondering met zich en, als logisch uitvloeisel hiervan: de verbeelding…
14,50 €
Les animaux domestiques dans les sources lyciennes
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Some questions about pets in Lycia through iconographical documents and rare mentions in epichoric epigraphy. We focused on Dynastic times in Lycia and observed that representations of such animals may be issued from an Anatolian Tradition.

14,50 €
Production céramique et representations animales à l’époque de Halaf
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Fauna is very well represented on Halafian ceramic production. Among it, domestic and wild animals are easily recognized.
Following Levi-Strauss’s point of  view which highlighted that the « animals good to eat » are not the only ones « good to think », we will try to demonstrate that behind the picture, imagery, human activities and social orientations are reflected.
After a brief presentation of the halafian ceramic production, a comparitive study with zoological and archeozoological data and iconographic considerations, many observations will be proposed. Firstly, we will focus on the large variety of represented species. Secondly, the importance of the ceramic medium in the image diffusion will be considered. Lastly, the social implications of such a bestiary will be discuss.

14,50 €
Les sanctuaires lyciens de Tlôs et de Patara
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This paper is dealing with some different problems about Lycian sanctuaries of Tlus and Patara. We have examined numismatic and epigraphic material of both cities, in order to give some new reflexions and hypothesis. The problem of an eventual cultual organization of cities of “Tremilis”, whom chief-city would have been Tlus, has been considered mainly from the so-called Sacred Law, Panyassis’ Legend of Tremilids and Panthera coins minted at Tlus. The Panthera typus has been linked to Belleropho’s legend and possible second Storm-God of the “tloean amphictiony”. The problem of the identification of the masculine head on coinage from Tlus and Patara, which could be either of Apollo or Hermes, has also been envisaged. The expression of “Maliyean Patara” in the Inscribed Pillar of Xanthus and the importance of Athenian coinage in the latest city let us wonder if Maliya’s occurrences in Lycian epigraphy really concerned the Asianic Goddess in every cases or referred to Athena. But, we also wondered if particular representations of Athena on Patarean coins designed the Greek Goddess or referred to Maliya instead.
14,50 €
Les cultes de montagnes dans le monde louvite
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Texts of IId millenium B.C. underline the importance of mountains in Luwian minds. A few mounts are connected to Luwians, as Arinnanda, where Mursili fought Arzawian refugees. Devotions have been given to Harhara and Sarlaimi. The Hieroglyphic Inscription of Yalburt attested the existence of a sanctuary in Mount Patara (Lukka-Lands), venerated by Tudhaliya IV.
During the Ist millenium B.C., many deities are linked to mountains through the epiclesis of Oreios/eia. There is even a god named Oros in Cilicia. We examine particularly the case of Meter Oreia, rarely assimilated (maybe to Nemesis and Adrasteia in Lycia, more certainly to Athena in Cilicia).
14,50 €
Étrusque et ibère : branches d’un substrat méditerranéen commun ?
C. RUIZ DARASSE. — We consider here two non-Indoeuropean languages in the Western part of the Mediterranean sea. As they were in cultural contact, we try to find some clues of a common linguistical substract…
14,50 €
Les lapicides du Tabal
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The paper studies names of lapidaries or scribes in their context, as well as their survival in the greek-asianic language. Therefore we establish a survey on the basis of corpus of the texts of Tabal.  Eventually we provide a vocabulary of words meaning "to engrave" or  "to incise" in luwian. Furthermore, we argue that there exists a specific name for "the lapidary". Finally we list anthroponyms which still be found in the greek-asianic.

14,50 €
Dieux-rois du sud-ouest anatolien, de Kos et de Karpathos : le roi kaunien et arğğazuméen
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Drawing a parallel between Apollo and Telipinu as founders brings to light the numerous analogies between the foundation processes in ancient Greece and Anatolia. Such analogies, which can hardly be put down to a common Indo-European origin, lead us to wonder whether Anatolia did not play a prominent part in the building up of the Apollo-centered foundation process in ancient Greece.
14,50 €