» Comparative linguistics
L’Évangile arabe selon Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean

by Samir Arbache. — Book in French (Details)

90,00 €
Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Sabellic Languages

by Reuben Pitts. — This work examines the grammatical expression of tense, aspect and modality (henceforth TAM) in the Sabellic languages, a group of epigraphically attested Italic languages spoken in the second half of the first millennium B.C.E. (See Details)

43,00 €
Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques

by Jean-Claude Haelewyck. —  Book in French (See Details)

45,00 €
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Alessio AGOSTINI, Davide D’IMPERIO. — Les abécédaires, soit des documents épigraphiques qui présentent une succession ordonnée de lettres, constituent dans le monde sémitique une catégorie textuelle plutôt composite susceptible de donner lieu à plusieurs interprétations…
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Estelle DEBOUY. — We know little about the atellane, the comedies which staged typical characters (Maccus, Pappus, Bucco and Dossennus) that originated with the Oscians and were in vogue under Sylla…
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Rita FRANCIA, Marianna POZZA. — This contribution will analyse the Hittite word ḫuntara-, both from the point of view of textual occurrence contexts and from an etymological one…
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Jean-Pierre LEVET. — Despite the publication of numerous works on the origins of Indo-European, the scientific community remains generally skeptical about the existence of a Eurasian or Nostratic macrofamily…
Massimiliano CANUTI. — Interlinguistics and comparative linguistics provide us the tools to demonstrate the external or casual provenience of Indo-European elements in Etruscan…
14,50 €
Claudia POSANI. — This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the figurative use of the word(s) for “head” in Greek and Ancient Near Eastern texts…
14,50 €
Palaïte Ha-ap-na-aš (Hapnaš) : un vestige eurasiatique en anatolien ?
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Our approach starts from Palaite ḫaapnaš (=Hittite ḫapaš) “river” and is based on a linguistic Eurasiatic survey originating in J. Greenberg. He posits that *no (*nV) is a marker establishing the membership of the macrofamily and that ḫapaš stems from a term applying to water. To justify these developments, our study focuses on a pre-celtic term onno “river” analyzed as *(H)on-spring + *nV in order to try to show that a structure *dh-(h)on-, with the *dh- prefix, after a linguistic break, went into the making of an Indo-European root (“to flow”). The pair ḫaapnaš/ ḫapaš is then considered within the complex history of the Anatolian genitive, at this stage of our approach we resort to a former membership case reshaped in various ways into the nominative when some verb forms, coming after Eurasiatic verbo-nominals, appeared in Indo-European. The analysis of Eurasiatic and Indo-European is completed with a comparative discussion of Lithuanian upė “river”.
14,50 €
Camillus. Une transposition du grec "Gamilios" ?
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by Marcel MEULDER. — The word ‘Camillus’ refers to a servant of the flamen Dialis and to an young taking part to a formal wedding; it derives through the Etruscan language from the Greek word gamίlioV meaning “nuptial”. In his De lingua Latina, Varro gives to this word camillus a false etymology; he establishes a link to the Greek word kάsmiloV that refers in the Samothracian mysteries to Hermes as a servant of the Great Gods. By this false etymology, Varro…
14,50 €
À propos du grec ΣΤΕΦΩ
Michel MASSON. — The etymology of στέφω is controversial. This article endeavors to give an account of the different theories and opens up some new prospects.
14,50 €
Le sidétique et le pisidien
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This contribution offers a short presentation of the Pisidian and the Sidetic languages who, such as the Lycian, are direct heiresses to the Luwian language. Yet, the documentation relating to Pisidian and Sidetic remains scarce. At the end of the article the reader finds a comparative board between the Luwian (cuneiform and hieroglyphic) and the Lycian languages.
14,50 €
Tra etimologia e ricostruzione culturale. Il caso del panfilio επίστασις
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Cet essai analyse le mot επίστασις qui figure dans deux inscriptions dialectales pamphyliennes provenant de Pergé…
14,50 €
Il santuario, i rituali ed il wanax
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Cette étude commence par un ultérieur approfondissement sur la situation des opérateurs du culte mycéniens et leur organisation…
14,50 €
Ritual prescriptions in the etruscan "Liber linteus"
F. C. WOUDHUIZEN. — Le texte le plus long en langue étrusque est le 'Liber linteus', conservé aujourd'hui sous la forme de bandes d'une momie égyptienne exposée dans le musée de Zagreb…
14,50 €
Les gloses étrusques
D. BRIQUEL. — We can find in Greek and Roman literature about sixty Etruscan glosses, i.e. translation of Etruscan words in Greek or Latin, which complete the knowleddge of Etruscan language we can get from epigraphical data…
14,50 €
Langue et religion : le cas étrusque

M.-L. HAACK. — Many Etruscan words were adopted in the Latin language thanks to the renowned Etruscan piety. The author examines these loanwords and distinguishes three major phases…

Details | Volume | Other papers

14,50 €
La langue étrusque : connexions anatoliennes ?
R. LEBRUN. — In this short contribution, R. Lebrun enumerates philological suggestions relating to a few probable connexions between Etruscan words and the Indo-european languages of Asia Minor…
14,50 €
Étrusque et ibère : branches d’un substrat méditerranéen commun ?
C. RUIZ DARASSE. — We consider here two non-Indoeuropean languages in the Western part of the Mediterranean sea. As they were in cultural contact, we try to find some clues of a common linguistical substract…
14,50 €
Riflessioni sulla Logica e sul modo di pensare antichi
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Les résultats actuels des études indo-européennes révèlent un aspect du système linguistique préhistorique qui contraste radicalement avec la grammaire traditionnelle. Cet article tend à démontrer que les différences dans l’expression et la syntaxe correspondent à des différences dans l’organisation mentale et le système de la logique. Il est de plus suggéré que le mécanisme linguistique antique cadre mieux avec le langage tel qu’il est activé dans le cerveau, ceci en accord avec ce qui est généralement admis au niveau de la base neurologique du langage. Par parenthèse, une relation est signalée entre cette représentation du langage et la philosophie de Bergson.

14,50 €
Chypre, Rhodes et l’Anatolie méridionale : la question ionienne
O. CASABONNE, J. DEVOS. — Examination of the Aegyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Biblical and Achaemenid texts, indicates that the “Ionians” (Yaw/mnayi, Yawan, Yauna) were not only Greek and Cypriot populations, but also Anatolian populations…
14,50 €