2023. Disponible
Texte du Sinaï Arabe 72 traduit du grec au VIIIe siècle
Description | Target audience | The Author | Table of contents | View a few pages in PDF
Book in French. —This publication is a study of the Sinaï Arabic 72 manuscript, which is the oldest Arabic text of the four Gospels, dated 897 and translated from Greek in the mid-eighth century.
The first volume consists of three parts: 1- the linguistic study of the text supported by a computer processing of the lexical data compared to their Greek substratum; 2 - the edition of the text and its translation into French; 3 - the Arabic-Greek and Greek-Arabic lexicons of the version. The second volume presents the Arabic-Greek the concordance of the four Gospels, enriched by abundant statistical data.
The reader will find pleasure in making this trip, in being told the Gospel with an accent of Palestine before the year 1000!
Target audience
The work is a first in terms of its linguistic and lexicographical approach. It is a working tool for biblical scholars and linguists. It introduces the vast field of Christian Arabic literature and participates in the project of the historical lexicon of the Arabic language.
The Author
Samir ARBACHE is Honorary Professor of Theology and History of Religions at the Catholic University of Lille. He holds a doctorate in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Bordeaux and degrees in Theology, in Biblical Philology and in Oriental Philology and History, from the Catholic University of Louvain.
Volume 1
- Introduction générale
- Approche linguistique du manuscrit
- Édition du texte arabe
- Traduction en français
- Lexique arabe-grec
- Lexique grec-arabe
Volume 2
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