» Historical geography
Toponymes historiques de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

by Pierre Van Nieuwenhuysen. — This book is a complete presentation of all the toponyms of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean until circa 1850, with a glossary of more than 1800 items… (More)

125,00 €
Le journal de Jean-François Bernardy (1749-1842)

by Jean-Louis Van Belle. — Book in French. Im Frühjahr 1794 wurde der Priester Jean-François (de) BERNARDY (1749-1842) mit einem Kollegen nach Obersachsen entsandt, um dort Spenden für französische Priester, die infolge der Wirren der Französischen Revolution in die Schweiz ausgewandert waren, zu beschaffen. Diese Reise dauerte von Mai 1794 bis November 1795. Während dieser Zeit führte er ein Tagebuch, das bis heute verborgen blieb…

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39,00 €
Le Rapport d'Ounamon (vers 1065 avant Jésus-Christ)

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French. Ounamon a été envoyé par Hérihor, le grand prêtre d’Amon, pour acheter du bois destiné à l’entretien ou à la construction de la grande barque du dieu, à Thèbes. C’était vers 1065 avant J.-C. De cette mission, on conserve le récit fait par Ounamon sur papyrus, mais l’auteur s’est brusquement arrêté avant la fin de la deuxième page… (Details)

42,00 €
Les forteresses égyptiennes

Franck Monnier. — Book in French. Cet ouvrage est inédit car il propose une vue complète, claire et accessible de toute l’architecture militaire de l’Égypte pharaonique connue à ce jour…
 L'auteur a obtenu le Prix 2010 du "History Fortification Study Centre" (HFSC) pour cet ouvrage.

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59,00 €
Historische Toponymie van Laken

by Pierre Van Nieuwenhuysen. — This book is a complete presentation of all the toponyms of Laken until circa 1850, with a glossary of more than 1500 items… (More)

98,00 €
Le delta et la vallée du Nil

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French. The Nile valley has always been famous for its fertility resulting from periodic flooding. It is personified by the God Osiris who fertilizes Isis, the black earth. Dense vegetation then grows on this earth: “the great green”, called “Wadj-wer” in Egyptian… (Details). Out of stock

Ouadj our (w3d wr)

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Le contenu caché des plans Popp : application à la Commune d’Ottignies

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GILOT E., « Le contenu caché des plans Popp : application à la Commune d’Ottignies », in Actes des VIIe Congrès de l’Association des Cercles francophones d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Belgique et LIVe Congrès de la Fédération des Cercles d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de Belgique. Congrès d'Ottignies – Louvain-la-Neuve, 26-28 août 2004, Brussels, 2007, p. 33-37.

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14,50 €
« La rivière du paradis aux jets dorés ». La perception du Nil dans les récits de voyage et de pèlerinage russes
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A. AKSENOVA. — The article explores the perception of the Nile by Russian travelers in the 14th and 15th centuries during their ventures into Egypt…
Ouadj-our et Pount dans la stèle Sinaï IS 211 (règne d’Aménophis III)
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C. OBSOMER. — New study of the text of the Sinai stele IS 211, in order to reexamine the historical data relating to contacts with Punt at the end of the reign of Amenhotep III…
Voyage dans les confins du monde. Outénet et l’Océan oriental (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty)
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F. SERVAJEAN. — An investigation into the location of the Outénet region, which documentation places at the edge of the world, where the sun rises, not far from an "Eastern Ocean" (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty). This region adjoins another southern region: the land of Pount…
Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ?
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J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, "Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ?", in L. PLEUGER (ed.), «  Du Nil à la mer. L'Égypte au fil de l'eau – From the Nile to the Sea. Egypt along the Water » (CEA, 24), Brussels, 2024.
Rural Trade and Economy in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine. A Case Study from Tel Zahara
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S. COHEN, « Rural Trade and Economy in Hellenistic and Roman Palestine. A Case Study from Tel Zahara », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Contre « l’épisode giblite » de Plutarque
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C. VANDERSLEYEN, « Contre "l’épisode giblite" de Plutarque »,  Res Antiquae 11 Brussels, 2014, p. 203-206.
14,50 €
Les Étrusques de la plaine du Pô. Quelques réflexions entre historiographie et nouveautés archéologiques
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M. CAVALIERI, « Les Étrusques de la plaine du Pô. Quelques réflexions entre historiographie et nouveautés archéologiques », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
New data for a preliminary understanding of the Roman settlement network in South Coastal Tuscany. The case of Alberese (Grosseto, IT)
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by Alessandro SEBASTIANI. — This paper analyses Roman settlement and economical networks in the coastal area of the ager Rusellanus (South Tuscany, Italy). The area has been the focus of major archaeological excavations since 2009 under the Alberese Archaeological Project. This paper aims to combine datasets coming from field surveys, analysis of the material culture, landscape and geo-archaeological studies, analysis of…
14,50 €
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by Claude VANDERSLEYEN. — Some reflections on the place of the Nile in Egypt and its relations with wadj wer, concerning the Nile and not the sea…
14,50 €
Matthieu DEMANUELLI, Marco CAPARDONI, Maria Elena BALZA, Clelia MORA. — This paper provides a survey on the available documentation coming from the Anatolian site of Kululu, which lays in the region named Tabal in the Assyrian sources of the 9th-8th century BC…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — I want to show how, changing one letter when you read or write the name of some locality, you also change everything was established about the very evenements History had for a long time admitted as true realty and always in the same manner described…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — As the description of details relative to Alesia (site, ways, battle a.s.a.) don’t fit to the realities offered by the official localisation (Alise sainte-Reine), main of archeologs, university professors and historian incrimine J. Cæsar’s text, which contains mistakes and lies…
14,50 €
Note sur la Gordyène
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As a region of Upper Mesopotamia located in the upper part of the Tigris basin, between Armenia and ancient Assyria, but also between the Roman and Persian empires, Gordyene appears regularly in the historical sources, but dedicated studies to it are curiously missing. It seems useful to propose a commented inventory of the main sources – essentially literary, but also epigraphic – concerning this region, and moreover to give a modest notice devoted to the historical geography and to a geopolitical view on that peculiar space, between the reigns of Teglath-Phalasar III and Julian the Apostate (VIIIth century B.C.-IVth century A.D.).
14,50 €
La circulation des biens et des savoirs en Égypte romaine
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There is still a false look about commerce in Antiquity. Many clichés like life in autarky always exist. But, in Roman Egypt, commerce seems to be something of more complex.
There is local productions (like mining exploitations), but some towns are true centres of circulation of goodies coming from far away. Some sites testify of contacts with Arabia, India, Red Sea…by the way of ports like Berenice. Roads for caravans lie through deserts, with some military camps, wells and temples along them. Religious centres in commercial towns seem to be some keys to understand much the conception of commerce in Antiquity. In Roman Egypt, the emperor is portray like pharaoh offering local goodies (or exportation products coming in the site) to the pantheon. This fact could be easily explain: the piety of the king help to focalise the goodness of the gods on earthly economy.
14,50 €
The Kouris Valley Project 2007-2009. An overview
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Le Kouris Valley Project est un projet de recherche mené par l’Université de Florence en collaboration avec les Universités de Chieti et de Turin dans la région de Kourion (Limassol, Chypre)… 
14,50 €
Le Alpi orientali del versante italiano tra età del Ferro e tarda Antichità. Sintesi storica in funzione dei più recenti dati archeologici
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M. CAVALIERI, « Le Alpi orientali del versante italiano tra età del Ferro e tarda Antichità. Sintesi storica in funzione dei più recenti dati archeologici  », Res Antiquae 7, Brussels, 2010, p. 271-330.
14,50 €
Dalla città romana alla città alto-medievale in Italia. Il modello classico urbano verso l’eterogeneità delle forme insediative medievali
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 L’article aborde le problème complexe de la transformation urbaine entre l’Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Age ; le contexte enquêté est celui de l’Italie du Nord entre le iiie et le viiie s. de notre ère, en particulier les siècles de la domination lombarde de la péninsule. L’analyse de l’administration et de l’économie de la civitas est amplement étudiée, ainsi que le problème posé par des termes tels qu’urbs, civitas, municipium, toutes expressions provenant de formules issues de la tradition et du droit romains.
Après une étude de cas concrets en milieu urbain (Brescia, Milan, Vérone), les résultats montrent que le schéma idéal d’une ville lombarde en l’Italie du nord n’existe pas. Les recherches montrent les données archéologiques qui mettent en évidence la grande diversité de plans des centres urbains qui ont survécu à la transition de l’Antiquité tardive à l’époque médiévale.
14,50 €
Le nom de la mer Rouge en égyptien ancien
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In 1931 to designate the Red Sea in the egyptian texts, Spiegelberg could list seven names. Eighty years later,  none of them still has this signification. The basic meaning of the nun, wadj wer, the ym and its various combinations, is fresh water from Egypt, that is to say : from the Nile.
14,50 €
Mazaca. Un site à “tous égards naturellement impropre à l’habitat”
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I’m interested in Strabo’s description of Mazaca in Cappadocia. The description of this polis, with its wealth of information, is exceeded only by the descriptions of Alexandria and Rome. However, I don’t believe that this presentation is based on what the author would have observed. Strabo certainly uses local sources, perhaps royal cappadocian traditions.


14,50 €
Notes relatives à la ville de Landa
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This article on the city of Landa fits into a plan of study concerning several cities of Anatolia, in particular religious centres. It is a question of collecting texts mentioning this city, to give a transliteration with translation and try to place her in Anatolia.


14,50 €
De la Vallée du Nil au Pays du Fleuve. Réflexions à propos du Naharina
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The aim of this paper is to put in light the historical, political and geographical context of the Late Bronze Age Middle East that led to the apparition of the toponym Naharina in Egyptian Texts. What was the reality behind this term ? Why did it occur so frequently in Egyptian sources despite the non-egyptian etymological origin ? Was it linked to the Hurrian Empire of Mitanni ? These are questions which at some point will need clear answers.


14,50 €
Le stadiasmos de Patara et la définition de l’espace romain dans la nouvelle province de Lycie-Pamphylie
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This article examines the now well-known inscription of Patara, the so-called Stadiasmos of Patara. Authors already argued that the long list of measures between cities of Lycia was useless as an itinerary and travel guide…
14,50 €
Quelques remarques relatives aux pérégrinations des diplomates, au fil des relations égypto-hittites (IIe millénaire avant J.-C.)
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In this paper, the author introduces some aspects concerning relations between Egypt and different states of Asia Minor in the second millenium B.C…
14,50 €
Cicéron, d’Italie en Cilicie. Conditions, vitesse et impressions de voyage d’un futur gouverneur
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The nomination of Cicero as governor obliged the orator to a long travel from Rome to Cilicia between april and august 51 B.C. Cicero had to organise a long journey to Asia Minor on road and sea, with the obsession to avoid a prorogation in his province…
14,50 €
Les missions des scribes hittites durant la seconde moitié du XIIIe s. av. J.-C.
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This short contribution is relating to the scribe’s travels and functions during the second half of the thirteenth century B.C…
14,50 €
Les pérégrinations des marchands assyriens en haute Mésopotamie et en Asie Mineure
C. MICHEL. — At the beginning of the IInd millennium BC, inhabitants from the Aššur city-state, on the Tigris river, organized large scale commercial exchange with Anatolia…
14,50 €
À la recherche du passé. Le premier voyage en Asie Mineure de Charles Texier
A. PORTNOFF. — Almost all we know about the journeys in the ancient times comes from the archeological researches undertaken by modern travellers…
14,50 €
Les Eubéens, premiers voyageurs grecs en Orient
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Oriental objects are present at Lefkandi on the island of Euboea from the end of the eleventh century and Greek protogeometric vases, specifically euboean, are imported in the Levant in the tenth century…
14,50 €
La place du phénicien en Anatolie au premier millénaire av. J.-C.
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The lector finds here some informations relating to the presence and the cultural influence of the Phoenicians in Anatolia since the Recent Bronze Age, in particular in Southern Anatolia (Cilicia).
14,50 €
La Phénicie et les Phéniciens. Mise en place de la problématique
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We find here a short historical presentation of the Phoenician civilization.
14,50 €
Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria). Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research
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Une approche interdisciplinaire a permis de retracer les changements environnementaux de la région de Tell Tweini…
14,50 €
La montagne d’après les données textuelles d’Ougarit
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This study of the textual data from Ugarit concerning mountains is organized around three topics. First, mountains are viewed as an elemental part of the sacred landscape of the kingdom of Ugarit, dwellings of gods, meeting place of divinities, the edge of the world. Then the question of the identification of administrative districts in terms of geographical regions is treated. The final theme is the importance for the economy of the natural resources found in the mountainous areas, particularly animal husbandry, agriculture and timber industry.
14,50 €
Par monts et par vaux infernaux : la topographie des enfers dans le monde grec
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In archaic and classical Greece, the infernal world is characterized by a large network of rivers and marshy zones. The landscape appears essentially like a meadow (leimwvn), in other words a field heavy with moisture. Nevertheless, it is no flat open country as will be shown in this paper.
14,50 €
Les montagnes dans l’historiographie et la géographie hittites
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The Hittite cuneiform texts and hieroglyphic inscriptions provide us with hundred of placenames, the names of countries, rivers or mountains. Names of numerous mountains, highlands or ranges are known. They allow to fix the borders between the hittite land and several vassal states (Kizzuwatna, Ugarit, Tarḫuntašša). They were the theatre of wars, especially against the “barbarous” Gasgas of the pontic chains, and of kings heroic deeds. Several sovereigns (Ammuna, Arnuwanda, Tutḫaliya) have taken a mountain name who was also the name of a god.
14,50 €
Le(s) nom(s) de la montagne en louvite
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The name of the mountain in luwian raises difficulties, because of the use of the ideograms in both the hieroglyphic and cuneiform writings. Whereas *ariyatti- is an excellent candidate for cuneiform ḪUR.SAG-ti, it seems increasingly certain that the hieroglyphic sign MONS was read wati-. I showed that watti- “mountain” and other terms etymologically connected seem attested in cuneiform luwian as well. It is not, therefore, unimaginable that ḪUR.SAG-ti was read watti-.
14,50 €
La montagne dans le monde hittite
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In this contribution, R. Lebrun suggests a semantic interpretation (via the Hittite and Luwian languages) of several important mountain names of Anatolia. We find so the revelation of the feelings of the ancient Anatolian populations concerning the mountains.
14,50 €
Quand la Montagne se rend à la ville
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In a previous paper, I showed that several cults carried out on the Mountain were related to foundation, and were meant to reinforce the roots of kingship as well as regenerating the king when the latter was aged, ailed or diseased. Today, I will examine two ceremonies where the Mountains move towards the city and try to discover the meaning of these travels: a monthly festival and a procession ceremony included within the KI.LAM festivities. In both cases the Mountains go to the city of Hattusha: I will demonstrate that in these two cases their journey is aimed at consolidating royalty and foundation. A new interpretation of the KI.LAM can therefore be surmised: it was one of the most important Hittite religious festivals. I will nevertheless recall the main characteristics of Hittite mountains and some aspects of ritual foundations performed on mountaintops.
14,50 €
Casius, le mont sacré de la Méditerranée orientale
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Mountains have always been considered as a natural way leading to heaven, as the bridge between human and divine. Some of them received particular attention and were adored as the true deities by the populations living around. Casius provides one of the most outstanding examples of this cult of the mountain in the past. This paper aims to emphasize the sacred character of this mountain by underlining its different aspects. As a border mountain, Casius occupies a site of great strategic importance, close to the Maditerranean Sea coast as the Orontes River’s mouth. Thoughout the Late Bronze Age, the chief deity of Ugarit’s pantheon dwellt on its summit nd, in the same period, Casius appeared to be the highest place of Hurrian mythology. During the classical antiquity, the cult of Zeus Casius confirmed the long continuity of this mountain’s fame in the ancient world.
14,50 €
Les cultes de montagnes dans le monde louvite
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Texts of IId millenium B.C. underline the importance of mountains in Luwian minds. A few mounts are connected to Luwians, as Arinnanda, where Mursili fought Arzawian refugees. Devotions have been given to Harhara and Sarlaimi. The Hieroglyphic Inscription of Yalburt attested the existence of a sanctuary in Mount Patara (Lukka-Lands), venerated by Tudhaliya IV.
During the Ist millenium B.C., many deities are linked to mountains through the epiclesis of Oreios/eia. There is even a god named Oros in Cilicia. We examine particularly the case of Meter Oreia, rarely assimilated (maybe to Nemesis and Adrasteia in Lycia, more certainly to Athena in Cilicia).
14,50 €
Où est mort le grand Pompée, l’adversaire malheureux de Jules César ?
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The place in front of which Pompey has been murdered and where his tomb and the Zeus Casios temple were located, is not situated in the middle of the offshore bar that separates, in the north, the Sirbonis / Bardaouil lake from the Mediterranean, a place that many people call Casion, but rather (ou most probably) in the plain at the east of Peluse, near  the western end of lake Sirbonis.
14,50 €
Le Tabal de la préhistoire au début de l’ère chrétienne
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The lector finds here a short historical introduction to the Tabal, an important country of Southern Anatolia.
14,50 €
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