» Art History
Penser et représenter le monde
by Marie-Astrid Calmettes. — Book in French. (Details in French…).
95,00 €
Les Enfants d’Horus
by Nicolas Gauthier. — Book in French. (Details in French…).
58,00 €
Les peintres de l'Égypte ancienne

by Nadine CHERPION. — Book in French. Nice hardcover book, 202 fig., some of them from monuments which are not open to the public (Details)

60,00 €
Pierres de l’Égypte ancienne

by Thierry DE PUTTER and Christina KARLSHAUSEN. — Book in French. This practical guide is a must-have book for Egyptologists, art historians, and anyone wishing to identify the materials of Pharaonic architecture, sculpture, and jewelry… (Details)

85,00 €
Le commerce de la pierre bleue à Bruxelles sous l’Ancien Régime

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE, in collaboration with Philippe SOSNOWSKA et Sylvianne MODRIE. — In French (details)

44,00 €
Charles de Lorraine et la mesure du temps

by Philippe PATER. — In French. Based on archival sources inherent to Charles de Lorraine, this book will provide the reader with a substantial amount of exclusive information on his collections of watches and clocks, his machinists and turners, his physicists and naturalists, on the watchmakers who worked not only for the prince, but also for his sister Anne-Charlotte. This work is illustrated with many unpublished photos (details)

75,00 €
Jeux et jouets à travers les âges

by Catherine Breyer. — Book in French (See Details)

45,00 €
Étienne Drioton et l’Égypte

by Michèle JURET. — Book in French. As a testimony of his work and his careul observation of everyday life in Egypt, Étienne Drioton (1889-1961) left a significant collection of pictures taken between 1924 and 1952, many of which remain unpublished. This book takes the reader with him to a journey along the Nile… (details in French)

40,00 €
"La Description de l'Egypte" de Jean-Jacques Rifaud (1813-1826)

Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Wouter Claes and Arnaud Quertinmont (dir.). — Book in French. For the first time, the lithographic plates Jean-Jacques Rifaud (1786-1852) dedicated to Egypt are being published in their entirety. He aims to publish, on his own, a “Voyage en Égypte, en Nubie et lieux circonvoisins” (Travel in Egypt and Nubia and surrounding places) to complement the well-known “Description de l’Égypte” written by the many scholars and scientists of the French expedition. As in the “Description de l’Égypte”, the plates are related to Egyptian antiquities, natural history (botany and zoology) and ethnography…  (Details)

59,00 €
Écrits sur l'art égyptien. Textes choisis

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French (with some Papers in English). Introduction générale à l'histoire de l'art égyptien, suivie d'études particulières (statuaire, éléments d'architecture, etc.) (Details)

List Price: 49,00 €
23,00 €
Iahmès Sapaïr

by Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French. Le prince Iahmès, né vers 1560 avant J. C., est mort à l'âge de six ans. Ses parents lui ont dédié une statue grandeur nature d'une exceptionnelle qualité, qui a été aussitôt l'objet d'un culte populaire qui s'est prolongé pendant 500 ans, jusqu'à la fin du Nouvel Empire égyptien. Cette statue est actuellement conservée au Musée du Louvre…  (Details) Out of print

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Jacques VANSCHOONWINKEL. — This article deals with nature in the Aegean world. Indeed, the plant world is very present in the representations of cultic scenes of the Minoan, Cycladic and Mycenaean worlds, whether in the form of floral offerings, by the presence of the tree or by the image of landscapes…
Les chevaux du Nouvel Empire égyptien

by Catherine Rommelaere. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Clara DE PUTTER. — Harpocrates, the young son of Isis and Osiris (and later Serapis), is one of the most popular deities of Greco-Roman Egypt…
14,50 €
Valentina LIMINA. — The paper proposes a political interpretation of the reliefs depicting the sieges of Troy and Thebes on a group of eight funerary urns produced in Volterra in the first quarter of the 1st century BC…
14,50 €
Jacques VANSCHOONWINKEL. — Women occupied an important place in the Aegean world of the Bronze Age, as evidenced by the clearly predominant female presence in the iconography of the period. This article focuses on the role of women in Aegean religions…
14,50 €
Downstreaming and upstreaming the Nile. The (rare) stelae displaying boats and people to commemorate the pilgrimage to a sacred place, and the ones with a single deceased person onboard receiving offerings
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S. PETACCHI. — This study focuses on the unique aspect of boat depictions on stelae and chalenges some general assumptions about the nature of ancient Egyptian pilgrimages.…
Un rare exemple de scène champêtre à Akrotiri de Théra
= Paper =
J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, « Un rare exemple de scène champêtre à Akrotiri de Théra », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Portrait de femme au milieu d’un décor végétalisé. Essai d’interprétation du motif à partir de céramiques italiotes inédites
Louise WILLOCX. — Among the Greek pottery collection of the L Museum in Louvain-la-Neuve, some vases’ main motif is a woman’s head in profile in the middle of a vegetal decoration…
14,50 €
« Imitation ou éclectisme ? ». Nouveau regard sur la statuaire égyptienne d’époque gréco-romaine
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Egyptian and Egyptianising sculptural representations need to be carefully considered when archaeological context is missing. In this type of study, attention needs to be drawn to the style and the iconography. The present article focuses on an Egyptian statue without provenance exhibited in the Royal Museum of Mariemont in Belgium. Many scholars interpret this piece as an Isis figure from a roman context. The object shows an awareness of Egyptian traditions. Stylistically the statue from Mariemont seems to fit within the Ptolemaic Egyptian repertoire but the lack of parallels with statues from a certified context lead us to reconsider its authenticity. This sculpture has been interpreted as a roman copy in monographs. New observations based on the folds allow us to identify parallels with a statue from Alexandria dating from the second century BC. This comparison raises serious questions concerning terms such as copy, imitation or eclecticism. In conclusion, this paper tries to suggest a new key for our understanding of the statue from Mariemont.
14,50 €
Les denrées en sémitique occidental et autres langues dans les sources nilotiques. Les Levantins et Ioniens en Égypte, des ports du Delta à la fenêtre d’apparition royale
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The author studies the famous presentation of sailors and traders represented in the tomb of Kenamon (TT 162), puting it in perspective with divers hieratic texts which allow to understand ceremonies in touch with the window of appearance and the role of the foreigners for Egyptian economy.
14,50 €
Notes sur certains sapeurs néo-assyriens
F. DE BACKER. — The goal of this paper is to provide the reader with some clues about a specific kind of soldier usually represented on the neo-assyrian visual documents in the depictions of siege-combats…
14,50 €
L’homme-montagne ou l’itinéraire d’un motif iconographique
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This paper suggests to precise the symbolical meaning of the half-human half-mountain figure. After looking back on the origin of this traditional theme of the Syro-Anatolian world, we will approach the question of the symbols’ diffusion in the ancient Near-East and especially of the iconographic exchanges between Mesopotamia and the Syro-Anatolian regions.
14,50 €
Statues royales nabatéennes
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The royal iconography which appeared in the Nabataean kingdom is part of the imitation phenomenon of Hellenistic kingship by the Nabataean dynasty. Inscriptions found in Petra indicate that these images were private dedication to the king, not official monuments. However, it seems that this was the outcome of the royal propaganda which aimed at presenting the king as the benefactor of the people. The deification of a king named Obodas, probably at the time of Aretas IV, and the erection of statues in honour of this new god were also part of the royal propaganda.
14,50 €
Les Phrygiens en Tyanide et le problème des Muskis
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In the first part of this article is questioned the Phrygian influence in the region of Tyana. Three elements are discussed : the Phrygian fibulae on the Ivriz relief, dated at the end of the 8th c. B.C., the Phrygian bronze material in the Kaynarca tumulus and the Phrygian inscriptions of Tyana. The Phrygian influence in the Tyana region appears to be certain at  the end of the 8th c. B.C. ; it is at least cultural and political but certainly also economical. In the second part, the Muski problem is discussed according to our main source : the Assyrian annals. The conclusions are that the Muski king Mita appears to be the same as the Phrygian king Midas but the Mushkis can’t be assimilated to the Phrygians. This assimilation reinforces the Phrygian presence in the Tyana region as well as the contacts between Phrygians and Assyrians.
14,50 €
Au sujet des représentations du Cerbère de type "macrobien" et pseudo-macrobien : une recherche iconologique
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This paper is dealing once again with the iconologic analysis of the so-called Macrobian-Cerberous whose description is given by Macrobius, Saturnals I, 20 : a central standing lion with two lateral heads of a dog and a wolf shooting from its neck, with two snakes climbing up along the lion’s legs and connecting the three animal heads. Two new representations of this fabulous tricephalous animal engraved in the famous book L’Antiquité expliquée en figures of Dom Bernard de Montfaucon (1719-1724) as well as other figures missing in the iconographic corpus of this deity, provide the opportunity to give a new approach of this monster from an egyptological point of view. The basic concept of the tricephalous Cerberous, as well as the iconography of this god were the result of an intellectual exchange between two high figures belonging to the sacerdotal class : Manetho the Sebennytus and the Athenian Timothy the Eumolpid. Embodying both Egyptian and Greek beliefs in the prospect of the creation of the theology of the god Sarapis, at Memphis, under the reign of Ptolemeus Sôter, they promoted a bifocal belief in giving both the Greeks and the Egyptian the god Sarapis ruling in the Hades, and mastering the allegorical « dog » Cerberous, whose certain features are adapted from Egyptian iconography.
14,50 €
Carl Robert et la peinture de Polygnote
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Greek painter Polygnotos’ paintings are only preserved by Pausanias’ description and by some isolated mentions of other Greek and Latin writers. At the end of the nineteenth century, the German scholar Carl Robert wrote three books on the works of this artist, in which he attempts to reconstitute three pictures (Nekyia, Ilioupersis and the Battle of Marathon). His attempt is part of a tradition that traces back to the middle of the eighteenth century. This paper shows how these studies on the Greek painting fall into line with Carl Robert’s research works, in what they are distinguishable from previous reconstitutions and which innovations they brought in the knowledge of the Greek painting of the fifth century B.C. as well as in the edition of Pausanias’ text.

14,50 €
La double hache minoenne et l'Anatolie
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This contribution discusses the supposed Anatolian origin of the Minoan double axe suggested by many archaeologists and historians. The Cretan archaeological and iconographical evidence and the Anatolian one are firstly analysed. The confrontation of the results shows that the uses, the typology and the chronology are very different in the two countries. Consequently the paper concludes to the incompatibility of an Anatolian origin of the Minoan double axe.

14,50 €
Contatti tra la Lycia arcaica e le isole del Mediterraneo orientale attraverso
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Dans l’article, l’auteur compare des types monétaires des ateliers de Metimna, Chios, Samos, Ialysos, Clazomènes, Siphnos et de l’île de Chypre avec ceux analogues de la Lycie : la documentation numismatique, à travers la transmission de modèles, témoigne de la présence de rapports entre les îles de la Méditerranée orientale et la Lycie. Cette documentation n’est cependant pas, toute seule, apte à clarifier la nature et l’intensité des pièces identiques.

14,50 €
L’aigle bicéphale sur les sceaux inscrits de scribes dans le monde hittite
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We meet the pattern of the double-headed eagle on many different supports and at different times. This article is relating only to the representation of the double-headed eagle on many scribe’s seals.When the datation of the seals is possible, they date back to the 14th-13th c. BC and have hurrians or luwians names. The double-headed eagle is represented in the peripheral field of the seal, in the lower part of the seal or enclosing a scene. In any case we cannot attribute a hieroglyphical value but just a decorative or symbolic value binded to the power or to the sun by the way of a stylisation suggesting the solar winged disc.
14,50 €
Le relief d’Amenhotep Ier au Louvre B 58 = E 11278
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C. VANDERSLEYEN, « Le relief d’Amenhotep Ier au Louvre B 58 = E 11278 », Res Antiquae 1, Brussels, 2004, p. 227-229.
14,50 €