ISBN: 978-2-87457-137-4
par Nadine Cherpion (photographies de Jean-François Gout, Ifao)
Coll. Connaissance de l'Egypte Ancienne, 21
384 pages, cartonné, richement illustré
60,00 €
2023. Disponible

Les peintres de l'Égypte ancienne

Leur langage. Leurs palettes. Leurs styles

Book in French.

Nice hardcover book, 202 fig., some of them from monuments which are not open to the public.

Original synthesis work — the first since A. Mekhitarian’s book, Egyptian Painting, 1954, which it completes — on the style development in the private tombs at Thebes, in the New Kingdom (about 1539-1077 B.C.).

Among the innovative aspects : parallels with the universal story of painting to which the pharaonic painting belongs ; overhaul of the datation.The study of the style itself is preceded by some lines of approach on the meaning and reading of Egyptian pictures (Table of Contents and more details…)

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