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L’Art Vetraire de Jean Bonhomme

by Janette LEFRANCQ. — Book in French (details)

65,00 €
L'Egyptien dans la tourmente

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. — This work constitutes the first academic monograph dedicated to the concept of isfet (disorder, chaos), based on an in-depth analysis of five major Egyptian literary texts, known as “pessimistic” (Details).

69,00 €
Penser et représenter le monde
by Marie-Astrid Calmettes. — Book in French. (Details in French…).
95,00 €
Res Antiquae XX (2023)

Res Antiquae (RANT). — Birthday volume around the theme: Exoduses of statues and epiphanies of deities.

ISSN 1781-1317

Table of contents | Buy

59,00 €
Traditions et Traductionsdes textes bibliques

Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire, Laurent Pinchard and Jean-Claude Haelewyck (eds.) (Details)

127,00 €
Mons à l’ombre du Roi-Soleil

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE and Pierre-Jean NIEBES. — Book in French (details)

49,00 €
Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique (3e édition)

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

77,50 €
Les Enfants d’Horus
by Nicolas Gauthier. — Book in French. (Details in French…).
58,00 €
Les mathématiques de l'Égypte ancienne (2e éd.)

by Marianne Michel. — Book in French. Throughout the chapters, the reader will discover arithmetic problems (the calculation of unknown quantities, the calculation of square roots, arithmetic progressions), geometry problems (area calculations, volume calculations and slope calculations), etc. This book has not only a scientific, but also an educational purpose… (Details).

85,00 €
Les animaux chez Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī

by Faisal KENANAH. — Book in French (Details)

55,00 €
Egyptien hiéroglyphique (4e éd., augmentée)

by Claude Obsomer. — This book is also available in English : "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian"

75,00 €
L’Évangile arabe selon Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean

by Samir Arbache. — Book in French (Details)

90,00 €
Les peintres de l'Égypte ancienne

by Nadine CHERPION. — Book in French. Nice hardcover book, 202 fig., some of them from monuments which are not open to the public (Details)

60,00 €
Éclats de marbre, larmes de femmes

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE. — Book in French (details)

46,00 €
Égypte et ex-libris

Valentin BOYER et Arnaud QUERTINMONT (eds).Book in French. This book offers, for the first time in French, a study on the reception, perception and reinterpretation of ancient Egypt in exlibris (bookplates), a very little known artistic medium reserved for the sphere of bibliophiles… (details)

42,00 €
Le récit du Papyrus Westcar

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. This study deepens the literary analysis and provides a renewed interpretation of this narrative text. It contains a unique hieroglyphic transcription, together with a personal translation and philological comments…  (Details)

38,00 €
Pierres de l’Égypte ancienne

by Thierry DE PUTTER and Christina KARLSHAUSEN. — Book in French. This practical guide is a must-have book for Egyptologists, art historians, and anyone wishing to identify the materials of Pharaonic architecture, sculpture, and jewelry… (Details)

85,00 €
Vivre à Mons aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE et Pierre-Jean NIEBES. — Book in French (details)

58,00 €