L’Égypte au fil de l’eau / Egypt along the Water
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Egypt and the Nile have never ceased to inspire dreams, as evidenced by the famous statement ‘Egypt is a gift of the Nile,’ which underscores the fundamental role of the ancient flood. Renewing the exploration of the theme of the central role of the Nile and the sea in Egyptian civilization was a given in the neo-Louvainist egyptological tradition. The studies gathered in this volume by seasoned egyptologists offer a variety of approaches on this theme, combining textual, iconographic, geographical, climatological, and archaeological sources, as well as a very broad chronological coverage: from the predynastic period to the present day.
Different perceptions of the Nile and the sea are proposed in this work. The first one concerns mobility and travel (pilgrimage, commercial, or military) whether within Egypt itself or beyond its borders. The second axis of reflection focuses on philological and linguistic elements related to the register of water. Finally, the last axis refers to the Nile and the sea perceived as mythical elements.
The authors
Aksenova, Anastasia. — Université Lumière Lyon 2 (FR)
Appel, Veronika. — University of Würzburg (DE)
Bruwier, Marie-Cécile. — Musée royal de Mariemont & UCLouvain (B)
Chantrain, Gaëlle. — UCLouvain (B)
Dirksen, Svenja C. — University of Würzburg (DE)
Hagenmüller, Matthieu. — La Sorbonne Université (FR)
Lange-Athinodorou, Eva. — University of Würzburg (DE)
Obsomer, Claude. — UNamur & UCLouvain (B)
Petacchi, Simone. — Stibbert Museum (IT)
Pleuger, Lena. — FNRS & UCLouvain (B)
Servajean, Frédéric. — Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III (FR)
Vanhulle, Dorian. — Musée du Malgré-Tout (B)
Vanschoonwinkel, Jacques. — Université Côte d'Azur (FR)
— « La rivière du paradis aux jets dorés ». La perception du Nil dans les récits de voyage et de pèlerinage russes. — A. AKSENOVA (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Sécrétions osiriennes, l’Œil d’Horus et la Crue du Nil. À propos de l’Osiris-djed d’Ânkhemmaât. — M.-C. BRUWIER (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Le signe N23, un classificateur à la conquête de l’espace. — G. CHANTRAIN (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Matelots punis et convois de prisonniers. Violence, pouvoir et discipline sur les bateaux égyptiens au Nouvel Empire. — M. HAGENMÜLLER (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Checks and balances. Assessing the impact of climate change-induced Nile level fluctuations on social transformation in Ancient Egypt at the end of the New Kingdom. — E. LANGE-ATHINODOROU, V. APPEL, S.C. DIRKSEN (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Ouadj-our et Pount dans la stèle Sinaï IS 211 (règne d’Aménophis III). — C. OBSOMER (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Downstreaming and upstreaming the Nile. The (rare) stelae displaying boats and people to commemorate the pilgrimage to a sacred place, and the ones with a single deceased person onboard receiving offerings. — S. PETACCHI (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Voyage dans les confins du monde. Outénet et l’Océan oriental (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty). — F. SERVAJEAN (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Les débuts de la navigation en Égypte. Fendre les flots durant le Pré- et Protodynastique (c. 4500-2686 av. J.-C.). — D. VANHULLE (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
— Que sait-on vraiment des « Peuples de la mer » ?. — J. VANSCHOONWINKEL (Lire le résumé / See the abstract)
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