ISBN: 978-2-87457-082-7
14,50 €

Contre « l’épisode giblite » de Plutarque

 = Paper =
C. VANDERSLEYEN, « Contre "l’épisode giblite" de Plutarque »,  Res Antiquae 11 Brussels, 2014, p. 203-206.
Mrs A. S. Dalix has sorgfully re-read the text of Plutarch about Isis at Byblos. She found a few mistakes concerning chronology, toponymy, and facts that she improved; but she inconsciously put on, the fore confusions between sea and Nile, and that the Byblos of Plutarch is not the phoenician one, but a Byblos in the Delta also called Bilbeis. The Byblos/Bilbeis episode of Plutarch has nothing in common with the last one.