Home» By Series» Langues et cultures anciennes (LCA) Traditions et Traductionsdes textes bibliques Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire, Laurent Pinchard and Jean-Claude Haelewyck (eds.) (Details) 127,00 € Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique (3e édition) by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details) 77,50 € Egyptien hiéroglyphique (4e éd., augmentée) by Claude Obsomer. — This book is also available in English : "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian" 75,00 € L’Évangile arabe selon Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean by Samir Arbache. — Book in French (Details) 90,00 € Synonymia by Carl Meissner and Pierre Altenhoven. — Book in French (See Details) 36,00 € Chrestomathie sanskrite by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details) 89,00 € Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Sabellic Languages by Reuben Pitts. — This work examines the grammatical expression of tense, aspect and modality (henceforth TAM) in the Sabellic languages, a group of epigraphically attested Italic languages spoken in the second half of the first millennium B.C.E. (See Details) 43,00 € L’Olisseus by Gilles Courtieu. — In French.Who doesn't know Ulysses, from the earliest years, as a figure of the most ancient European literature? Everyone thinks he knows him… (Details) 37,00 € Abécédaire humoristique d’après les poètes latins by Estelle Debuy, illustré par Mathieu "la Mine". — In French. Voici une manière ludique et amusante de réviser et de perfectionner son latin. Si certains de ces extraits font sourire, d’autres sembleront d’une étonnante actualité… (Details) 28,00 € Le texte médical du Papyrus Ebers by Dr Bernard Lalanne and Gérard Métra . — Book in French. The Ebers Papyrus, the most comprehensive medical document of Ancient Egypt, is now published in full for the first time and shows the hieroglyphic transcription of each plate with its transliteration and translation… (Details) 44,00 € Hébreu biblique. Grammaire de base by Agnès Tichit. — Book in French (See Details) 33,00 € Hieroglyphic Egyptian by Claude OBSOMER and Sylvie FAVRE-BRIANT. — This manual presents a pedagogical approach to the grammar of Middle Egyptian, the classical language of pharaonic Egypt… (Details) 75,00 € Sanskrit classique. Cahier d’exercices by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details) 49,00 € Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques by Jean-Claude Haelewyck. — Book in French (See Details) 45,00 € Enregistrement audio by Sylvain Brocquet and Gopabandhu Mishra. — Audio recording in French (See Details) / Sénèque l’Ancien by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details) 32,00 € Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.Details | The authors | Table of contents 59,00 € Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details) 41,00 € L'évangile de Marc en hébreu by Agnès Tichit. — Book in French. Une étude qui porte sur la confrontation de deux traductions en hébreu de l’évangile de Marc… (Details) 47,50 € Ad honorem per ardorem (grammaire) by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details) / Ad honorem per ardorem (exercices) by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details) 35,00 € Routes et parcours mythiques Collective. — Proceedings of the "Septième colloque international d'anthropologie du monde indo-européen et de mythologie comparée". Edited by Alain Meurant…Details | Other papers / Nazianze et les Grégoire 32,00 € Dina (Genèse 34) 20,00 € De l'indo-européen au latin et au grec 30,00 € Égyptien hiéroglyphique. Exercices d'application by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details) 36,00 € Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin Alain Blanc & Emmanuel Dupraz (dir.). — Book in French (See details) / La morphologie akkadienne en tableaux by Florence Malbran-Labat. — Book in French (see details) 28,00 € Pratique de la grammaire akkadienne by Florence Malbran-Labat. — Book in French (see details) 40,00 € Textes araméens de la mer Morte 39,00 € L'évangile de Marc. Un original hébreu ? 60,00 € Le verbe en hébreu biblique by Agnès Tichit. — Book in French (See details) 56,00 €