Res Antiquae XXI (2024)

Res Antiquae (RANT). — Volume Amicorum René Lebrun, founder of the Journal.

ISSN 1781-1317

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Alessio AGOSTINI, Davide D’IMPERIO. — Les abécédaires, soit des documents épigraphiques qui présentent une succession ordonnée de lettres, constituent dans le monde sémitique une catégorie textuelle plutôt composite susceptible de donner lieu à plusieurs interprétations…
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Sydney H. AUFRÈRE. — This article looks at the subject from the angle of the crime at Aphroditopolis, where the goddess Isis is beheaded by her son Horus, and the consequences of this…
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Maria Elena BALZA. — In the 13th century BCE, the city of Emar was controlled by the kings of Karkemiš, who acted as Hittite viceroys in Syria…
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Dominique BRIQUEL. — The famous story of the sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham which is related in the book of Genesis offers a case of substitution of an animal victim for a human one…
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Roberto DAN. — Among the numerous Urartian archaeological sites known in the northern area of the Lake Van catchment area, one of the most important is certainly that of Kancıklı…
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Paola DARDANO. — Action nominals are mixed categories: although they have nominal external distribution, their internal syntax is not unlike that of a verb phrase…
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Estelle DEBOUY. — We know little about the atellane, the comedies which staged typical characters (Maccus, Pappus, Bucco and Dossennus) that originated with the Oscians and were in vogue under Sylla…
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Arnaud DELANOY. — Among the old writing systems of the Iberian peninsula, the Levantine system, also used in the south of Gaul, was a means to denote Iberian and Celtiberian…
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Pierre Mbid Hamoudi DIOUF. — This article concerns a category of dreams that have attracted the attention of the Ancients. These were dreams deemed to be "extraordinary", the content of which had a considerable impact on or foretold the dreamer…
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Stéphane FAYE. — This paper aims to show that Plutarch, Saint Basil and Porphyry, in their consolatory epistles, don’t show only their compassion for their addressees. Instead, they give them a cathartic and heuristic power…
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Christophe FLAMENT. — This study is devoted to the techniques and forms of exploitation of mining production in Laurion (Attica) during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE…
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Rita FRANCIA, Marianna POZZA. — This contribution will analyse the Hittite word ḫuntara-, both from the point of view of textual occurrence contexts and from an etymological one…
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Federico GIUSFREDI. — In this paper, I will reassess the merit of the metaphor of the “club” of the Great Kings as a descriptive model of the political and diplomatic dynamics of the Ancient Near East during the Late Bronze Age…
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Jean-Pierre LEVET. — Despite the publication of numerous works on the origins of Indo-European, the scientific community remains generally skeptical about the existence of a Eurasian or Nostratic macrofamily…
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Valentina LIMINA, Marco CAVALIERI. — This brief paper is about an important marble relief from a public but still unknown monument in Roman Volterra…
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Valerio PISANIELLO. — This article proposes a new edition of Muršili II’s highly fragmentary Pestgebet KBo 14.75…
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Claudia POSANI. — This paper is focused on line 468 of the Aeschylean tragedy “Seven against Thebes”…
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Éric RAIMOND. — Some texts let appear some rivals, who reveal a pantheon prior to Olympian Order…
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Jan TAVERNIER. — Dans cette brève lettre je souhaite partager quelques souvenirs des nombreux moments que nous avons déjà vécus ensemble, quand tu étais d’abord mon professeur, et puis mon collègue et ami…
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Jacques VANSCHOONWINKEL. — Il est notoire que les Crétois du IIe millénaire avaient une attirance pour la nature dans tous ses aspects…