» Asia Minor, Anatolian, Hittites

by Gilles Courtieu. — In French.

Who doesn't know Ulysses, from the earliest years, as a figure of the most ancient European literature?  Everyone thinks he knows him… (Details)

37,00 €
Identité et altérité culturelles

Collectif. — Book in French (Details)

42,00 €
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Marie Claude TRÉMOUILLE. — Parmi les nombreux textes qui décrivent des cérémonies cultuelles, ceux qui illustrent des transports de divinités hors de leur lieu de résidence habituel appartiennent aux «cultes locaux»…
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Maria Elena BALZA. — In the 13th century BCE, the city of Emar was controlled by the kings of Karkemiš, who acted as Hittite viceroys in Syria…
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Roberto DAN. — Among the numerous Urartian archaeological sites known in the northern area of the Lake Van catchment area, one of the most important is certainly that of Kancıklı…
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Paola DARDANO. — Action nominals are mixed categories: although they have nominal external distribution, their internal syntax is not unlike that of a verb phrase…
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Rita FRANCIA, Marianna POZZA. — This contribution will analyse the Hittite word ḫuntara-, both from the point of view of textual occurrence contexts and from an etymological one…
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Federico GIUSFREDI. — In this paper, I will reassess the merit of the metaphor of the “club” of the Great Kings as a descriptive model of the political and diplomatic dynamics of the Ancient Near East during the Late Bronze Age…
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Valerio PISANIELLO. — This article proposes a new edition of Muršili II’s highly fragmentary Pestgebet KBo 14.75…
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Jan TAVERNIER. — Dans cette brève lettre je souhaite partager quelques souvenirs des nombreux moments que nous avons déjà vécus ensemble, quand tu étais d’abord mon professeur, et puis mon collègue et ami…
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Marie Claude TREMOUILLE. — We present some examples of deliberative banquets and we suggest seeing one in the Bilingue…
La guerre de Ramsès II contre les Hittites

by Joseph Sturm and Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French and German (See details). Out of print

Stéphanie ANTHONIOZ. — This paper examines the polemic against idolatry in the Hebrew Bible diachronically and comparatively, considering the Mesopotamian sources, re-evaluating them and, what is new, looking at and comparing ancient Greek sources…
14,50 €
Sana BALDÉ. — This study, constituting a contribution to the political-institutional history of the Greek cities of Asia Minor, analyses the role of the college of archons in the city of Synnada, particularly during the Roman period…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — The Ligyes mentioned by Herodotus in Anatolia is one of the forgotten unsolved problems of the ethnolinguistic history of Ancient Anatolia…
14,50 €
Roberto DAN. — The purpose of this article is to present and discuss a series of recent archaeological discoveries made in the territory that was controlled by the state of Bia/Urartu between the second half of the 9th and the second half of the 7th century BC…
14,50 €
Ergün LAFLI, Maurizio BUORA. — In this paper we present discussions on archaeological authenticity in Turkey, advanced both from scholarly as well as popular scientific point of views…
14,50 €
Rostislav ORESHKO. — The present paper explores the evidence of the Hieroglyphic-Luwian inscription PORSUK from ethnolinguistic, epigraphic and historical perspectives…
14,50 €
Marta PALLAVIDINI. — In the field of Hittitology, the interconnection between the figure of the king and the institution that he represents has not been studied adequately…
14,50 €
Claudia POSANI. — This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the figurative use of the word(s) for “head” in Greek and Ancient Near Eastern texts…
14,50 €
La figure du héros dans le monde anatolien antique
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In this contribution, the reader finds a short analysis of the Hittite-Luwian conception of the hastali- “the Hero”, an official title dedicated to the Hittite kings during the Hittite Empire.
14,50 €
De l’influence des ‘Traités de vassalité’ hittites sur la composition du livre du deutéronome. Évaluation d’une théorie classique en exégèse biblique
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The hypothesis of an influence of the hittite vassal treaties on the biblical text has been proposed by Mendenhall in 1954, whoses studies dealt with the link between hittite texts and the Covenant narratives and laws in Ex 19-24, and later by Weinfeld who tried to demonstrate the influence of both akkadian legal texts and hittites treaties on the structure of the book of Deuteronomy. The recent research about the composition of Deuteronomy lead to the conclusion that the narrative and legal texts of this book belong to different stages of its composition, and so call in question Weinfeld’s hypothesis. Nevertheless, there could have been an indirect cultural influence of the hittite treaties on the biblical texts, and of the assyrian litterature as well, as the litterary analysis can find similarities in the concepts and in the vocabulary.
14,50 €
Vision de l’autre à travers le voile du passé, vision de l’ailleurs ; entre oubli et mémoire éclatée, entre Histoire et mythologie : le cas hourro-hittite confronté aux légendes des Éthiopiens-kushites
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Few documents depict the various elements shaping the Hittite empire of the second millenium. The example of the Hurrians, who were the Hittites' foe at first before turning into their civilization masters, is relevant in this regard. Their symbiosis with the Hittites, which justifies the «Hurro-Hittites » designation, makes it difficult to uncover any alterity between them. This is all the more true from the perspective of the classical and biblical testimony. If the Hittite and Mitannian empires seem to have faded into oblivion, scholars of the modern era have raised some misquoted historical accounts. Thereby, it is arguable that other peoples from the Antiquity shared connections not yet identified, or not formally differentiated. In this respect, a large amount of evidence led my research towards Greek and Ethiopian texts, and the Kouchites of the bible, as anachronous as this may seem.
14,50 €
L’apport hourrite dans l’élaboration de la culture hittite du XIIIe siècle av. J.-C.
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In the first part of this contribution the reader finds an historical aspect relating to the great moments of the Hurrian civilization . An information is added about the progress of the decipherment of the Hurrian language. The second part deals with the influence of the Hurrians during the 13st century B.C. especially over the Hittite language and the official religion of the Hittite Empire.
14,50 €
L’Assyrie en Syrie et en Anatolie au début de l’empire : cultures en conflit, cultures en contact
M.-G. MASETTI-ROUAULT, S. SALMON. — During their expansion toward West, the kings of early Neo-Assyrian period met, in Northern Mesopotamia and in Southern Anatolia, Luwian and Aramean populations, who had then established prosperous States along the main caravan roads developing trade and commercial exchanges all over the Middle East…
14,50 €
Les Hittites en Syrie du Nord : contacts, influences et échanges
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In the14th and 13th centuries BC, after Šuppiluliuma I conquered the North Syrian region, the Hittite state ruled over the small kingdoms of North-Syria ; diplomatic and commercial relations, as well as cultural exchanges, became frequent, with effects on the social organization, on the legal institutions, on the scribal and artistic traditions and on the local Syrian customs. In this contribution, some exemplary cases are examined.
14,50 €
Les Hittites dans les sources mésopotamiennes
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The article focuses on the Mesopotamian image of the Hittites from the Old Assyrian to the Neo-Assyrian period. The source material is studied and a history of contacts between the Anatolians/Hittites and the Mesopotamians is reconstructed. Special attention is given to the expedition of Mursili I against Babylonia and to the contacts between the Neo-Assyrian kings and the Neo-Hittite states in southeastern Anatolia.
14,50 €
Milet entre Mycéniens et Hittites
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In the second half of the 15th century B.C., the Mycenaeans replaced the Minoans in Miletus, as shown by archaeological evidence and Hittite records that mention Miletus, under the name Millawanda, and the land of Aḫḫijawā. Miletus was then in the political orbit of the king of Aḫḫijawā and its relations with the Hittites were often hostile. However, at the end of the 13th century, the town passed under the control of the Hittite king. According to Homer, Miletus was a Carian city during the time of the Trojan War.
14,50 €
La réforme de la langue hittite au XIIIe siècle av. J.C. : instrument au service de la construction de l’identité
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In 13th century BCE Hittite texts some words are marked with special signs called 'gloss-wedges'.  It is generally assumed that they were used to mark words of foreign, mostly Luwian origin.  However, a semantic analysis of the relevant vocabulary reveals that if the words had been marked because of their foreign origin, this would seem to have been a form of extreme linguistic purism serving nationalistic purposes.  Because of the lack of evidence for nationalistic tendencies in Hittite texts and Hittite culture in general this seems highly implausible.   On the other hand, a thorough investigation of contexts in which words with gloss-wedges appear gives reasons to assume that words were marked with gloss-wedges for ideological purposes, i.e. to shape moral identity and enforce a proper code of conduct in the last decades of the Hittite Empire
14,50 €
Postface. Ethnogenèse et identité dans l’Anatolie de la période hittite ou : Qui étaient les Hittites ?
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J. KLINGER, « Postface. Ethnogenèse et identité dans l’Anatolie de la période hittite ou : Qui étaient les Hittites ? », dans I. KLOCK-FONTANILLE, S. BIETTLOT et K. MESHOUB (éd.), Identité et altérité culturelles : le cas des Hittites dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Actes de colloque, Université de Limoges 27-28 novembre 2008, Brussels, 2010, p. 227-238.
14,50 €
Horses and Horse Husbandry in Central Anatolia during Hittite and Neo-Hittite Periods
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M.-E. BALZA, « Horses and Horse Husbandry in Central Anatolia during Hittite and Neo-Hittite Periods », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
La chèvre en Asie Mineure méridionale et égéenne dans l’Antiquité. Fragments d’histoire sociale
O. CASABONNE. — At Meydancıkkale (ancient Kiršu/i) in Rough Cilicia, many horns of goats have been found in the sector of the stores just to the South of the fortified entrance…
14,50 €
Amministratori e funzionari nell’Anatolia ittita. Su alcuni aspetti della formazione delle parole in una "Corpussprache"
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P. DARDANO, « Amministratori e funzionari nell’Anatolia ittita. Su alcuni aspetti della formazione delle parole in una "Corpussprache" », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Quelques noms du vin et de la vigne dans les langues anciennes du Proche-Orient et du nord de la Méditerranée
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A. FOURNET, « Quelques noms du vin et de la vigne dans les langues anciennes du Proche-Orient et du nord de la Méditerranée », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
De quelques dieux hittites liés à la ruralité
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R. LEBRUN, « De quelques dieux hittites liés à la ruralité », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Les marines des peuples d’origine louvite à l’époque achéménide
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F. BOUZID-ADLER, « Les marines des peuples d’origine louvite à l’époque achéménide », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 9-26.
14,50 €
Una camera rupestre presso Yabalı e la fortezza di Amik, sulla costa orientale del lago Van, Turchia
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R. DAN, « Una camera rupestre presso Yabalı e la fortezza di Amik, sulla costa orientale del lago Van, Turchia », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 71-80.
14,50 €
Prestigio e identità nell’Anatolia ittita. Alcune riflessioni sulla lingua delle lettere di Maşat-Höyük
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P. DARDANO, « Prestigio e identità nell’Anatolia ittita. Alcune riflessioni sulla lingua delle lettere di Maşat-Höyük », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Panthéons locaux et panthéon d’État dans l’Anatolie hittite
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R. LEBRUN, « Panthéons locaux et panthéon d’État dans l’Anatolie hittite », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Le pays du dieu de l’Orage dans l’inscription du Südburg
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É. VAN QUICKELBERGHE, « Le pays du dieu de l’Orage dans l’inscription du Südburg », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Au long de l’Eurymédon. Le pisidien
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by Claude BRIXHE. — 1890 : On the river Eurymedon’s upper flow (territory of Timbriada, Pisidia), discovery of 16 funerary stelae with a non-Grek epitaph (IInd- IIIrd c. A. C.). Today we have about 50 epitaphs.— Recently, southwards, on the territory of Selge, discovery of 4 indigenous inscriptions (same time)…
14,50 €
Girik Tepe. An Urartian Mud Brick Palace near Patnos, Turkey
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by Roberto DAN & Priscilla VITOLO. — Cet article examine les données actuellement disponibles concernant le site archéologique de Girik Tepe, situé dans la plaine de Patnos dans l'est de la Turquie. Le site, fouillé au début des années 60 du siècle dernier mais malheureusement publié de façon très rapide, a montré des structures architecturales intéressantes et des matériaux clairement attribuables à la civilisation de l'Ourartou. L'analyse critique des thèses publiées et les données précédemment rapportées, y compris les hypothèses concernant…
14,50 €
Insécurité et rébellion en Pisidie. Le témoignage de deux nouvelles fortifications
Guy LABARRE, Mehmet ÖZSAIT, Ilhan GÜCEREN. — Two new fortifications of the Roman period, founded in Pisidia to the south of the Eğirdir’s lake, are analysed in this article in relation with the insecurity and the banditry. They give evidence of two opposed forms of relations between space and power. The fortified place of Yuvalı protected the southern part of the territory of Tymbriada, the cultivated soil and a secondary road. The wall of fortification founded…
14,50 €
Les dispositions internationales des rois hittites trouvées à Ougarit. Décrets ou jugements ? Une proposition de classification
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The present contribution proposes a classification of the documents issued by the Hittite kings from Šuppiluliuma I to Tutḫaliya IV that have been found in the archives at Ugarit. The new proposal of classification is…
14,50 €
« Personne ne remplissait la grange de Kubaba ». L’accumulation des céréales dans les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques des seigneurs locaux néo-hittites
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by Maria Elena BALZA. — After the collapse of the Hittite state, the transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age in Southern Anatolia and Northern Syria brings with it a set of socio-economic and political transformations that also affect the royal ideology…
14,50 €
Il processo redazionale della corrispondenza egizio-ittita
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by Violetta CORDANI. — With more than 100 letters, the Hittite-Egyptian correspondence provided scholars with a gold mine of information on various aspects of the Late Bronze Age diplomacy. This article analyzes the redactional phases that led to the composition of this corpus…
14,50 €
Rituale Hethaeorum
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by René LEBRUN. — In this article, the lector finds a short study of fragments dating from the final period of the Hittite Empire (end of the 13th century B.C.)…
14,50 €
Ḫakpiš, la prima “Sekundogenitur” di Ḫatti ? Considerazioni sul rapporto giuridico di Ḫattušili con Muwatalli e Urḫi-Teššup/Muršili III sulla base di CTH 81
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — The so-called Apology of Ḫattušili III (CTH 81) is one of the most studied Hittite cuneiform documents, both its “historical” content and its apologetic rhetoric…
14,50 €
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by René LEBRUN. — In this contribution, the reader will find the fundamental place occupied by women in the exercise of worship in ancient Anatolia…
14,50 €
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by Marta PALLAVIDINI. — In this paper, I will analyze the metaphors related to the semantic field of sight that are present in the Hittite state treaties and I will demonstrate their relevance in the political-diplomatic discourse…
14,50 €
Matthieu DEMANUELLI, Marco CAPARDONI, Maria Elena BALZA, Clelia MORA. — This paper provides a survey on the available documentation coming from the Anatolian site of Kululu, which lays in the region named Tabal in the Assyrian sources of the 9th-8th century BC…
14,50 €
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