ISBN: 978-2-87457-060-5 14,50 € Add to cartHorses and Horse Husbandry in Central Anatolia during Hittite and Neo-Hittite Periods = Paper = In pharaonic Egypt taken in vice between two deserts, the work of the ground and the exploitation of the swamps of the Nile valley occupy necessarily a place of first greatness. It is products stemming from the farming, from the fishing, from the hunting and from the picking that bring to the whole Egyptian population nutriments necessary for his everyday life. These activities are so indispensable as they were thrown in the post-mortem life. Called Sekhety (that of the campaign, the farmer), the Egyptian farmer has a living space which opposes to that of the “city-dweller” which is not condemned by its activities to live in the agricultural and swampy spaces. This contribution dreads the Egyptian peasant life in it entirely. It is a question of highlighting sound only the activities of the farmer, but also those of the fisherman, the hunter, the bird-trapper and the gatherer, such as they are described in the Coffin Texts and in the ancient Egyptian Book of the dead, those funeral corpus were designed in the Middle Kingdom and in the New Kingdom. Special issue around the theme: "The Rural World in ancient Mediterranean Cultures: Right/Laws, Religion, Trade, Practices" Volume | Other papers« Previous | Next »