Bernard COULIE. — Armenian and Georgian studies, as well as Byzantine studies developed at the University of Louvain within the framework of studies on the Christian Orient. The first courses appear a little before the middle of the 19th century…
14,50 €

by Gilles Courtieu. — In French.

Who doesn't know Ulysses, from the earliest years, as a figure of the most ancient European literature?  Everyone thinks he knows him… (Details)

37,00 €
Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament

Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.

DetailsThe authorsTable of contents

59,00 €
Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
41,00 €
Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin

Alain Blanc & Emmanuel Dupraz (dir.). —  Book in French (See details)

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Éric RAIMOND. — Through a philological study and a new translation of the Hiero’s mythological chronicle (TAM II.174), I focuss on the epiphany of stone images of Artemis in Pinara and Apollo in Lopta…
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Éric RAIMOND. — Some texts let appear some rivals, who reveal a pantheon prior to Olympian Order…
Les campagnes de Sésostris dans Hérodote

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Stéphanie ANTHONIOZ. — This paper examines the polemic against idolatry in the Hebrew Bible diachronically and comparatively, considering the Mesopotamian sources, re-evaluating them and, what is new, looking at and comparing ancient Greek sources…
14,50 €
Benjamin DIOUF. — The Greek historian Herodotus left some interesting and well-researched information about Libyan women during classical antiquity…
14,50 €
Mayoro DIA, Benjamin DIOUF. — The stories of Egyptian and Greek mythologies are very enticing and very instructive…
14,50 €
Marcel MEULDER. — The Hellenistic poet Euphorion of Chalkis evokes the horses from Asbotos, which allow the soothsayer Amphiaraos to withdraw the disaster of the Seven Chiefs in front of Thebes…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — The present paper critically discusses the new transcription system of Sidetic proposed by S. Pérez Orozco…
14,50 €
Stéphane FAYE. — What is interesting about the Oresteia trilogy of Aeschylus is that the relationships between characters can offer many approaches that can lead to encouraging results…
14,50 €
Christophe FLAMENT. — This study is devoted to the mining district of Laurion (Attika, Greece) during the Classical Period, and more specifically to the impacts the exploitation of those silver mines had on the Athenian history from the environmental, social, economical, and political points of view…
14,50 €
Gérard LAMBIN. — Plotinus did not believe, he knew (or thought he knew). He knew that if “divine things” are limited to the three hypostases (the One, the Intellect, the Soul), the divine is no less everywhere, and that he is pure intellection…
14,50 €
Marcel MEULDER. — The name of Bias, Melampus’ brother, is originally Luwian. It means “ the man to whom a wife is given”. He woos Pero, the daughter of the Pylian king Neleus, as a reward of Melampus’achievement…
14,50 €
Herman MOORS. — In this article I will argue that Aphrodite – or Kypris, as she was called by Homer – is to be understood as the Greco-Cypriot interpretation of the Syrian goddess Atargatis, to whom the first part of this study is devoted. Contrary to common opinion, her name will be explained as a compound of Astarte and ‘Ate, the latter being the bearded and violent, even self-destructive, son of the former…
14,50 €
Claudia POSANI. — This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the figurative use of the word(s) for “head” in Greek and Ancient Near Eastern texts…
14,50 €
Vision de l’autre à travers le voile du passé, vision de l’ailleurs ; entre oubli et mémoire éclatée, entre Histoire et mythologie : le cas hourro-hittite confronté aux légendes des Éthiopiens-kushites
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Few documents depict the various elements shaping the Hittite empire of the second millenium. The example of the Hurrians, who were the Hittites' foe at first before turning into their civilization masters, is relevant in this regard. Their symbiosis with the Hittites, which justifies the «Hurro-Hittites » designation, makes it difficult to uncover any alterity between them. This is all the more true from the perspective of the classical and biblical testimony. If the Hittite and Mitannian empires seem to have faded into oblivion, scholars of the modern era have raised some misquoted historical accounts. Thereby, it is arguable that other peoples from the Antiquity shared connections not yet identified, or not formally differentiated. In this respect, a large amount of evidence led my research towards Greek and Ethiopian texts, and the Kouchites of the bible, as anachronous as this may seem.
14,50 €
Rythme et syntaxe dans l’hexamètre. Les datifs pluriels des thèmes sigmatiques
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In the sigmatic compounds of the Greek language, it is the root of the adjective which has imposed one of the three endings of the dative plural, <εσι, <εσσσι ou <έεσσι (μνηστηρσιν αναιδεσι vs ανδρασι δυσμενεεσσιν). Concerning the sigmatic nouns, the aoidos has ofen had a choice between <εσι, <εσσσι ou <έεσσι. If the place of words in the hexameter has its importance, rhythmical harmony of syntagms is also the matter.
14,50 €
Langue poétique, hyperdialectalismes et langue de chancellerie. Le cas des textes thessaliens et l’origine de ενεκα
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The attestation in Thessalian dialect inscriptions (3rd/2nd Cent.) of forms which are unexpected from the etymological point of view may be explained as due to the confluence of two factors: the influence of the literary (Attic and Ionic) prose and, at the same time, the tendence to give them a Thessalian colour. This is visible even in the case of three forms which show unexpected geminates. In enneka, the geminate reflects the thessalisation of Hom. Ion. Att. ei{neka, which goes back to the Homeric metrical lenghtening of PGr *eneka (: Myc. e-ne-ka /(h)eneka/): a new etymology of the form is proposed in support of this view. The same explanation applies for the theonym Ennodia (as against neut. pl. enodia ‘paths’ in the same inscription), which reflects Eijnodivh/a (Hsd.+), Hom. eijnovdio~. For its part, the place name Govnnoi (Govnno~) reflects Hom. Gouneuv~, gounov~ ‘hill’, which show the phonetic outcome of *ĝon-ó-. The irregular spellings <enn>, <onn> turn out to reflect an artificial thessalisation of Ion.Hom. <ein>, <oun>, whatever their origin could be, at a time when Thessalians write stubbornly in dialect, as a manifestation of their identity.
14,50 €
Allitérations et assonances associées à l'emploi des impressifs de sonorité dans la langue homérique
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This paper aims to show the conditions under which alliterations and assonances appear in the Homeric epos. One has intentionally restricted the corpus to the close context of impressive verbs denoting a noise, in order to determine by what the presence of such sound effects could have been conditionned : contrary to the expectations, the associations of such verbs and such sound effects are absolutely not systematic, but they are concentrating only when the dramatic tension in the narration reaches a peak, as if the drama of the situation had to be heightened by the accumulation of expressive devices involving the signifier. Along the same lines it has been observed that the expressive hapax crovmado" appears to be brought about by an alliterative context.
14,50 €
La paréchèse et les jeux sur les mots chez Homère
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In a number of cases Homer’s epics provide us with single forms which—though metrical and unequivocally transmitted—are morphologically aberrant or altogether ungrammatical. Textual criticism has frequently attributed such forms to a faulty transmission, and consequently has tried to emend them out of existence.
There are, however, other mechanisms for generating, and other ways to explain, deviant or aberrant forms. Thus there are many instances of word games in Homer, in which the poet chooses to reshape forms so as to yield pairings of rhyming words.
The present article treats six such instances of aberrant forms: έδήδοται Od. 22.56; έληλέδατʹ(ο) Od. 7.86; εστασαν Il. 12.56, Od. 3.182; λέκτο Od. 4.451; ωνατο Il. 17.25; προθέουσιν Il. 1.291. All of these have been subject to emendation (from antiquity to modern times) but can now be vindicated as authentic Homeric forms once they are recognized as constituents of artful word games.
14,50 €
La reprise décalée, un procédé de renouvellement formulaire dans la poésie lyrique et épique grecque. Sur les composés gr. πολυδηνης / skr. púrudaṃsas-, gr. *μελιFεπης / skr. mádhuvacas-
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The stylistic figure which consists in replacing one element of a traditional syntagm or compound by an equivalent and taking over the cancelled element in another place with a different syntactic function was frequently used in epic and lyric Greek poetry and appears to be a traditional mean of formulaic renewing. According to this principle, one can identify old traditional formulae or compounds ‘hidden’ in the Homeric text (such as poludhvnh", which is known only through Hesychius, but has a perfect match in Sanskrit). This poetic device also enables us to reconstruct an inherited compound *meliÛephv" ‘with honey words’, corresponding to ved. mádhuvacas-, never attested in Greek poetry because of its metrical shape, but which was clearly known to Homer and Hesiod.
14,50 €
À propos de quelques répétitions non formulaires dans l’Iliade
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We have already published several articles on Homeric formulas. But what we will analyze here are some repetitions of another nature, whether non formulaic or formulaic (which can then come from a very archaic state of the Epic text, possibily Mycenaean or Indo-European). The comparison between a warrior in tears and a mountain waterfall (Books 9 and 16), the theme of Achilles’ spear, the words used to describe Patroklos’ and Hector’s deaths, and the metaphor of the iron-heart applied to Achilles by Hector and to Priam by Achilles might support the hypothesis of a great-scale composition of the Iliad with a particular place given to the Patrocleia (Book 16).
14,50 €
Séquences dactyliques dans la prose d’Hérodote. Hexamètres, homérismes, formules
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This paper focuses on some of the numerous dactylic sequences which occur in Herodotus’ prose, styled as homêrikôtatos by Ps.-Longinus; this study will conform to the appraisal given on Herodotus’ language by the rhetor Hermogenes. First, a selection of dactylic sequences will be questioned as to their stylistic and thematic motivation; and we shall identify some likely hexameters. We shall then proceed to examine Herodotus’ use of homeric literal phrases or phrases of homeric inspiration. Finally, we wil try to identify dactylic recurrent sequences which may be considered as formulae, in order for the present contribution to shed light on Herodotus’ homerism.
14,50 €
Latin pollinctor, grec λιπ(α), picénien VEPSES. Phraséologie et élaboration poétique
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The aim of the present contribution is to explore the function and meaning of pollinctor “undertaker’s assistant”. It is argued that the infectum of the corresponding verb pollingere is probably a ghost word. The paper then offers an interpretation of the South Picene stele of Bellante (from the sixth or fifth century) in connection with the poetic structure of the text. The hypothesis that the South Picene form vepses is etymologically related to pollinctor is supported by phraseological correlations within the South Picene inscriptions.
14,50 €
L’anastrophe verbale en grec archaïque. Entre syntaxe et poétique
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Among the most salient features of the Homeric poetic language, separability of preverbs (so-called “tmesis”) and reversibility of prepositions (so-called “anastrophe”) are particularly well documented. The aim of this paper is to investigate a third, less known type, which may be formally described either as “reverse tmesis” or as “verbal anastrophe”, e.g. fugw;n u{po nhlee;~ h\mar “escaping from the merciless day” (F 57). From an accentual point of view, such constructions with [verb + postverb] are regularly parallel to nominal anastrophe [noun + postposition], but both from a syntactical and from a semantical point of view the nature of the postposed verbal particule is ambiguous : it might be seen either as a real postverb, mirrored by a preverbal counterpart, or as an independent adverb, freely added to the verbal form. It can be shown that originally the adverbial analysis is probably the right one, but the type has been reanalized as verbal anastrophe and used consequently as a poetical device inside the Homeric tradition.
14,50 €
Béatrice BONANNO and Régis BURNET. — Is the place in which Luke situates the multiplication of the loaves a desert or a city?…
Pere CANÉ-GOMBAU. — Linguistic patterns can be useful tools for examining the internal coherence of a text…
Claire CLIVAZ. — Dated around 400 CE, Codex Bezae (GA 05 or D) is so far the only surviving Greek New Testament manuscript of Mark 15:34 that presents a particular variant in the second part of Jesus’ last words on the cross…
Christian BOUDIGNON. — The paper deals with the history of the text of the Lord's Prayer (Our Father Prayer) in Antiquity and presents new thoughts of its translation from Aramaic to Greek…
Dominique MANGIN. — A number of differences arising from the comparison of the Masoretic Text of the Book of Job with the Old Greek version are structurally signifiant…
Les constructions narratives chez Tite-Live. L’exemple des leges agrariae dans la première décade de l’"Ab Urbe condita"
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N. MEUNIER, « Les constructions narratives chez Tite-Live. L’exemple des leges agrariae dans la première décade de l’Ab Urbe condita », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
"Quand Achille veut tuer Agamemnon". Le départ de la colère d’Achille : Iliade I, v. 188-205
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I. KELER-GIABICONI, «  "Quand Achille veut tuer Agamemnon". Le départ de la colère d’Achille : Iliade I, v. 188-205 », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 129-144.
14,50 €
Foucault, Vernant et la question du sujet dans l’Antiquité. Réflexions sur un débat contemporain
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S. ROUX, « Foucault, Vernant et la question du sujet dans l’Antiquité. Réflexions sur un débat contemporain »,  Res Antiquae 11 Brussels, 2014, p. 189-202.
14,50 €
« Digne d’en rire ». Une célébration des Mithrakāna devant Cyrus et Alexandre les Grands ?
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by Gilles COURTIEU. — The celebration of the Mithrakāna, known today as Mehragān, is the second in relevance in the Mazdaean calendar. Yet heretofore evidence about it was scarce and scattered, so very little was known as regards the nature of such cult and its connection to the Avestic texts…
14,50 €
À propos du grec ΣΤΕΦΩ
Michel MASSON. — The etymology of στέφω is controversial. This article endeavors to give an account of the different theories and opens up some new prospects.
14,50 €
Darius II Ochos et les quatre fonctions indo-européennes. Valère maxime, faits et dits mémorables, IX 2 Ext. 6
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by Marcel MEULDER. — Valerius Maximus, by citing one of the executions by which Darius Ochus, Cyrus’ and Artaxerxes’ father, subjects his political opponents, gives a new perspective to the Iranian religion during the last quarter of the fifth century b. C…
14,50 €
L’initiation de Diomède dans l’Iliade (Chants 5-6)
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by Éric RAIMOND. — Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman…
14,50 €
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by Éric RAIMOND. — The personnality of Goddess Leto is quite unknown, despite she is the sixth spouse of Zeus and one of the main victims of Hera…
14,50 €
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by Djibril AGNE. — In this study, age structures in traditional African education are used in the illumination of the senses of ἀγέλη and ἴλη in Sparta…
14,50 €
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by Marcel MEULDER. — Peirôs, a Thracian warrior in the Ilias, has the same name as the Hittite rider god Pirwa. Some facts defend this assumption…
14,50 €
La transmission de l'alphabet phénicien aux Grecs.  “Confrontation dialectique” des théories de B. B. Powell et de R. D. Woodard et synthèse de S.-T. Teodorsson
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Studies on the origin and development of the alphabet are very abundant: considering the last twenty years only, I listed more than thirty papers and monographs, which focus their attention on the mother script and antiquity of the Greek alphabet or the place and modalities of its transmission. In this paper, I shall comment three key theories, namely these of B.B. Powell (1991), related with Homeric epics, R.D. Woodard (1997), related with Cypriot syllabic writing, and S.-T. Teodorsson (2006), related with oriental literature. I chose them because they offer a global model of the alphabet’s historical reconstitution, which takes into consideration all parts of the question. Powell’s “Homer related” theory and Woodard’s, on a Cypriot origin, apparently completely opposed, seem to be combined to a certain degree by Teodorsson, who proposes a kind of compromise between literary influence and trade routes.


14,50 €
Plato Ikhwanianus. Retour sur le récit platonicien de l'anneau de Gygès dans l'encyclopédie des Frères de la Pureté
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In the 52nd and last epistle of the Brethren of Purity, one finds a passage which is a very faithful translation of Plato’s famous narrative about the ring of Gyges. Taking into account the literality of the translation, the size of the passage (about 30 lines) and the precision of the reference made to the original text, it may fairly be assumed that it is a unicum in the history of the transmission of Plato to the Arab world. The purpose of this paper is to take up again this issue and try to bring up some new elements to the discussion.


14,50 €
Le Platon arabe et les Sabéens de Harran. La "voie diffuse" de la transmission du platonisme en terre d'Islam
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In the absence of integral and litteral Arabic translations of Plato’s dialogues, the transmission of Platonism in the Muslim world was an indirect one, passing through different channels such as medical works, doxographies and gnomologies. The complexity and relative obscurity of this ‘voie diffuse’, in which according to Pierre Thillet oral transmission played an important role, led to all kinds of hazardous speculations about the existence of a Platonic Academy among the “Sabaens” in Ḥarrān, which was supposed to be still in activity in the Xth century. This article proposes a critical analysis of one of the most quoted “evidences” for this theory: al-Mas‘ūdī’s report about a Platonic inscription he claims to have seen on the door-knocker of the maǧma‘ of the Sabaeans in Ḥarrān. Rather than proving the existence of a “Platonic Academy” there, al-Mas‘ūdī offers us an eloquent illustration of the way Platonism was transmitted in the Muslim world.


14,50 €
I patronimici in -ίδᾱς del greco antico tra conservazione e innovazione
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Cet essai analyse les dérivés en -ίδᾱς en grec ancien, présence bien attestée – avec la valeur de patronymiques – dans la langue homérique. Après avoir écarté la validité des interprétations déjà existantes sur l’origine de ce suffixe, qu’il est malaisé de considérer en tant qu’agglomerat de -ίδ- + -ᾱς, on propose de postuler une origine microasiatique pour le suffixe -ίδᾱς dans sa globalité. Il s’agirait, en effet, du suffixe indo-européen *-iyo- (d’ailleurs bien attesté pour les adjectifs de relation), qui serait medié du lydien, vu qu’il présente l’évolution phonétique *y > d en position intervocalique, phénomène qui apparaît fréquemment dans la langue lydienne.


14,50 €
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