» War, army
Fortifications bruxelloises face à Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

by par Pierre Van Nieuwenhuysen. — Book in French (See Details)

29,50 €
De la Nubie à Qadech / From Nubia to Kadesh

by Christina Karlshausen and Claude Obsomer (ed.). — In the context of commemorating the Great War and the battle of Waterloo, it seemed interesting to revisit the theme of the war in Ancient Egypt. The studies published in this book offer on the theme a variety of approaches, associating the textual and iconographic sources… (Details)

49,00 €
La déportation des ouvriers belges en Allemagne (1914-1918)

by Jean-Louis Van Belle. — Book in French (Details)

19,50 €
Les forteresses égyptiennes

Franck Monnier. — Book in French. Cet ouvrage est inédit car il propose une vue complète, claire et accessible de toute l’architecture militaire de l’Égypte pharaonique connue à ce jour…
 L'auteur a obtenu le Prix 2010 du "History Fortification Study Centre" (HFSC) pour cet ouvrage.

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59,00 €
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Fabrice DE BACKER. — This paper deals with the exodus of the enemy deities after an Assyrian victory between Ashurnazirpal II and Ashurbanipal…
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Éric GAILLEDRAT, Paul FONTAINE. — Thirty years after J. and L. Jehasse’s excavations, new archaeological researches on the Archaic and Hellenistic fortifications of Aleria challenge commonly accepted ideas about them…
La guerre de Ramsès II contre les Hittites

by Joseph Sturm and Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French and German (See details). Out of print

Les campagnes de Sésostris dans Hérodote

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details). — OUT OF PRINT

Fabrice DE BACKER. — Although the development of the Assyrian cavalry has often been the subject of much research, it is not the same for the precise identification of the horsemen who escort the Assyrian archers mounted on the bas-reliefs of Assurnasirpal II and of some of his successors…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — The artefacts discovered in excavations, with the textual and visual evidence, provide the support for a series of deductions on the manufacture of a scale-armour…
14,50 €
Fabrice DE BACKER. — This paper deals with the recruitment and training of the Neo-Assyrian troops between the 8th and the 7th century B.C. for a short military campaign. The basics of the military planning for the operations and of the warfare intruction provided to the troops at their « Boot Camp » will be reviewed according to the sources available at hand…
14,50 €
Mattias KARLSSON. — This paper focuses on how Egypt and Kush are portrayed in Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions. The philological analysis showed that Egypt and Kush are described partly as targets of coercion, in their being subjects and enemies…
14,50 €
Valentina LIMINA. — The paper proposes a political interpretation of the reliefs depicting the sieges of Troy and Thebes on a group of eight funerary urns produced in Volterra in the first quarter of the 1st century BC…
14,50 €
La campagne nubienne de Psammétique II
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A. COYETTE, "La campagne nubienne de Psammétique II", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Megiddo dans la Bible. Mille ans d’histoire, de Josué à l’Apocalypse
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J.-Cl. HAELEWYCK, "Megiddo dans la Bible. Mille ans d’histoire, de Josué à l’Apocalypse", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Les batailles de Megiddo du roi Touthmosis III et du général Allenby. Questions d’itinéraires
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M. MICHEL, "Les batailles de Megiddo du roi Touthmosis III et du général Allenby. Questions d’itinéraires", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
La bataille de Qadech de Ramsès II. Les "n‘arin, sekou tepy" et questions d'itinéraires
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Cl. OBSOMER, "La bataille de Qadech de Ramsès II. Les "n‘arin, sekou tepy" et questions d'itinéraires", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Les campagnes militaires de Ramsès III à Médinet Habou. Entre vérité et propagande
C. SIMON. — The mortuary temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu is without any doubt the most important monument of his reign. He decided to build this temple with the same model than Ramesseum, not hesitating to copy cultic scenes that adorn its walls…
14,50 €
Operational Bases: Gaza and Beth Shan
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A. SPALINGER, "Operational Bases: Gaza and Beth Shan", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Pianchy/Piye. Between Two Worlds
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A. SPALINGER, "Pianchy/Piye. Between Two Worlds", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Les Peuples de la Mer d’après une lecture archéologique des reliefs de Médinet Habou
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J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, "Les Peuples de la Mer d’après une lecture archéologique des reliefs de Médinet Habou", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
La capture d’Amphissa par Philippe II lors de la quatrième guerre sacrée. À propos d’un stratagème de Polyen (Stratagèmes, IV, 2, 8)
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F.-D. DELTENRE, «  La capture d’Amphissa par Philippe II lors de la quatrième guerre sacrée. À propos d’un stratagème de Polyen (Stratagèmes, IV, 2, 8) », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 91-100.
14,50 €
Les navires des Grecs d’Asie au service des Grands Rois perses
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F. BOUZID-ADLER, « Les navires des Grecs d’Asie au service des Grands Rois perses », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
La place du sacramentum militiae  dans la guerre civile opposant César à Pompée
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M. GUEYE, « La place du sacramentum militiae dans la guerre civile opposant César à Pompée », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Le cheval et le pouvoir. Comment l’hippologie et le commerce de deux races au Bronze Récent ont pu changer le cours de l’histoire à l’Âge du Fer
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D. MICHAUX-COLOMBOT, « Le cheval et le pouvoir. Comment l’hippologie et le commerce de deux races au Bronze Récent ont pu changer le cours de l’histoire à l’Âge du Fer », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Insécurité et rébellion en Pisidie. Le témoignage de deux nouvelles fortifications
Guy LABARRE, Mehmet ÖZSAIT, Ilhan GÜCEREN. — Two new fortifications of the Roman period, founded in Pisidia to the south of the Eğirdir’s lake, are analysed in this article in relation with the insecurity and the banditry. They give evidence of two opposed forms of relations between space and power. The fortified place of Yuvalı protected the southern part of the territory of Tymbriada, the cultivated soil and a secondary road. The wall of fortification founded…
14,50 €
Lo "stipendium" legionario da 75 denari
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by Luigi PEDRONI. — Dans cet article, on présente quelques observations sur le "stipendium" des légionnaires romains au IIIe siècle av. J.-C., basées sur la constatation que ses différentes augmentations in époque tardo-republicaine et l’impériale sont modulés sur la somme de 75 asses. On peut supposer, donc, que le chiffre de 75 avait pris valeur standard à partir du moment où le stipendium…
14,50 €
Naissance et essor d’un centre démographique en Dalmatie. La population de Burnum entre le Ier et le VIe siècle ap. J.‑C.
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by Hélène GLOGOWSKI. — Archaeological surveys and excavation carried out in Burnum, Dalmatia, revealed part of the plan of the ancient site and made it possible to understand the different phases of its development…
14,50 €
L’initiation de Diomède dans l’Iliade (Chants 5-6)
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by Éric RAIMOND. — Diomedes aristeia in the Iliad 5 and the Meeting between the Achean Hero and Prince Glaucus of Lycia, that introduces the tale of Belleropho, may be interpreted, in a symbolic view, as initiatic path of an Homeric superhuman…
14,50 €
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by Mariama GUEYE. — This article proposes to study the motives which explain the indulgent fate enjoyed by certain cities during the civil wars of Sulla to Caesar…
14,50 €
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by Mariama GUEYE. — This article addresses the critical views that Rome's enemies have made on the Roman fides in international relations at the end of the Republic, coinciding with a certain decadence of the moral values of Roman society…
14,50 €
Un plastron d’époque néo-assyrienne
F. DE BACKER. — The following study analyses the so-called “irtu” discs worn by some soldiers related to the Neo-Assyrian army as its military personal or its opponents…
14,50 €
Le délit de desertio et de transfugium dans les guerres civiles à Rome sous la République
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In times of civil war, desertion, which is a crime punishable by death, almost looks like a minor offense in the Roman army. Sanctions, usually reserved for deserters and defectors, are very rarely applied during the intestine wars of the Republic. The chiefs of the army, by buying the loyalty of soldiers openly, encourage and orchestrate desertion. In the context of chaos that characterized the conflicts between Romans led to a suspension of normal operation of the army, desertion is used as a political weapon by the military officials and political parties to weaken or eliminate the opponent.
14,50 €
Vestiges de la Grande Guerre au sein d’un vaste programme archéologique français. L’exemple du Canal Seine-Nord Europe
G. PRILAUX, M. TALON. — Tijdens de preventieve opgravingen die werden uitgevoerd voor de bouw van het kanaal Seine - Noord-Europa kwamen talrijke overblijfselen aan het licht…
14,50 €
Evolution of the Scale Armour in the Ancient Near East, Aegean and Egypt. An Overview from the Origins to the Pre-Sargonids
F. DE BACKER. — À première vue, l’armure d’écailles qui était utilisée au Proche-Orient ancien, en Égypte et dans le monde égéen contemporains n’a encore jamais été étudiée ou survolée en tant qu’ensemble…


14,50 €
Cruelty and Military Refinements
F. DE BACKER. — La mutilation et la fragmentation des corps des ennemis vaincus appartenaient aux techniques de combat néo-assyriennes…
14,50 €
Notes sur certains sapeurs néo-assyriens
F. DE BACKER. — The goal of this paper is to provide the reader with some clues about a specific kind of soldier usually represented on the neo-assyrian visual documents in the depictions of siege-combats…
14,50 €
Les conséquences des guerres sumériennes
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From the year names of the Sumerian period, we learn the destruction of many towns that are supposed to be ruined to the ground in wartime. The houses were burnt, the king captive or killed, the inhabitants taken away, the fields ravaged, metals, cattle and flock carried as a booty. We are amazed at seeing that, two or three years later, these towns and their bordering country were completely destroyed again. I would try to understand what the texts really mean. It seems interesting to consider the social and economic consequences of the facts that are mentioned above.
14,50 €
Considérations sur la légende d’Attus Navius
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The Roman augur Attus Navius was famous for having prevented king Tarquinius the Elder from changing the tarditional organization of Roman cavalry with its three centuries. Other texts tell us how, as a child, he reinvented the art of observing birds as practiced by augurs. He was also connected with the alleged translation of the fig-tree under which the founder of Rome, Romulus, was suckled by the she-wolf. These three stories can be related together, as forming parts of a career conceived along the lines of old Indo-European trifunctional ideology, after which Attus Navius’ mysterious vanishing can be understood as a kind of heroization.
14,50 €