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In the context of commemorating the Great War and the battle of Waterloo, it seemed interesting to revisit the theme of the war in Ancient Egypt by gathering in this book the essential results of the lectures presented to the Catholic University of Louvain at the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015.
The studies published in this book offer on the theme a variety of approaches, associating the textual and iconographic sources. The some strive to describe the operations led outside by Egyptians, both in Nubia and in the Near East. Others are interested in the foreign armies which tried to settle down in Egypt, successfully or not. The concerned sovereigns are Thutmose III, Ramesses II, Ramesses III, Pianchy and Psammetichus II. The near eastern cities which specially hold attention are Gaza, Megiddo, Beth Shan and Kadesh.
The authors
- Jean-Claude HAELEWYCK
- Marianne MICHEL
- Claude OBSOMER
- Camille SIMON
- Anthony J. SPALINGER
Table of contents
Christina Karlshausen et Claude Obsomer
Les batailles de Megiddo du roi Touthmosis III et du général Allenby : une question d’itinéraire (Résumé)
Marianne Michel
Megiddo dans la Bible : mille ans d’histoire, de Josué à l’Apocalypse (Résumé)
Jean-Claude Haelewyck
Operational bases : Gaza and Beth Shan (Résumé)
Anthony J. Spalinger
La bataille de Qadech de Ramsès II : les n‘arin, sekou tepy et questions d'itinéraires (Résumé)
Claude Obsomer
Les campagnes militaires de Ramsès III à Médinet Habou : entre vérité et propagande (Résumé)
Camille Simon
Les Peuples de la Mer d’après une lecture archéologique des reliefs de Médinet Habou (Résumé)
Jacques Vanschoonwinkel
Pianchy/Piye : between two worlds (Résumé)
Anthony J. Spalinger
La campagne nubienne de Psammétique II (Résumé)
Alice Coyette