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Le commerce de la pierre bleue à Bruxelles sous l’Ancien Régime

by Jean-Louis VAN BELLE, in collaboration with Philippe SOSNOWSKA et Sylvianne MODRIE. — In French (details)

44,00 €
Andrea Barbara SCHMIDT, Lucas VAN ROMPAY. — The origin of Syriac studies in Louvain can be traced back to the work of Andreas Masius and to the printing house of Plantin in the 16th century, but it is only in the 19th century, with the appointment of Joannes Theodorus Beelen (1807-1884) to the chair of Sacred Scriptures (1936), that the foundation was laid for Syriac as an academic discipline…
14,50 €
Lambert ISEBAERT, Herman SELDESLACHTS. — xx…
14,50 €
Andrea Barbara SCHMIDT. — Based on documents held at the university archives (Fonds Chabot) at UCLouvain, the article retraces the history of the beginning of the CSCO collection…
14,50 €
En scène, s’il vous plaît !

by Jean-Pierre STEVENS. — Book in French (details)

La mère royale Seshseshet et les débuts de la VIe dynastie

By Thierry Stasser. — Book in French (Details)


27,00 €
La guerre de Ramsès II contre les Hittites

by Joseph Sturm and Claude Vandersleyen. — Book in French and German (See details). Out of print

Giuseppe SAMO, Giuliano CARACCIOLO. — The goal of this paper is to offer a model to classify automatically Latin inscriptions on the basis of text-internal criteria…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — The Ligyes mentioned by Herodotus in Anatolia is one of the forgotten unsolved problems of the ethnolinguistic history of Ancient Anatolia…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — The present paper critically discusses the new transcription system of Sidetic proposed by S. Pérez Orozco…
14,50 €
Zsolt SIMON. — Based on the combinatory analysis of some interconnected Carian inscriptions this paper argues that Carian mδa and related forms are not particle chains as generally held…
14,50 €
Thierry STASSER. — By Mid third Century BC, Kings of Syria inaugurated a policy of alliances with the Kingdoms of Pontos and Cappadocia, characterized by marriages of Seleucid princesses to Pontos rulers – with the exception of Antiochos III and his first cousin Laodice of Pontos…
14,50 €
Marginalité et souveraineté. Des chemins de traverse aux allées du pouvoir
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We will follow the Masters of paths. They are Pushan and Aryaman in India, Pan and Hermes in Ancient Greece; others are Scandinavian such as the god Ullr or Palnatoki, or anglo-saxon such as Robin Hood. Their tracks lead us from the rural or forest world to which they belong to the surroundings of the sovereign. They wander around him either to serve him and save his throne, or to betray him, replace him and even kill him. Sometimes, indo-european myth melts with History when for instance Antoine as Lupercal tries to crown Ceasar.
14,50 €
De Jean de l’Ours à Persée ou de quelques modalités de la disjonction
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The tale of Jean de l'ours (Jean of the Bear) is like the Bird Nester myth , but in a reversed position. Both heroes experience a vertical disjunction, the first one downwards, the second one upwards. Now, some north Amerindian versions of the Bird Nester have exactly the same structure as the Perseus myth. But in this case the story develops horizontally. The disjunction, which disappeared with verticality, is reached in a different way : by crossing the ocean.
14,50 €
L’usurpation de la souveraineté divine dans les mythologies scandinave et celte
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Scandinavian and Celtic myths propose close similar stories about two temporary losses of his royal power by the king of the gods, i.e. Odin, Math and Nuadha.
14,50 €
L’Assyrie en Syrie et en Anatolie au début de l’empire : cultures en conflit, cultures en contact
M.-G. MASETTI-ROUAULT, S. SALMON. — During their expansion toward West, the kings of early Neo-Assyrian period met, in Northern Mesopotamia and in Southern Anatolia, Luwian and Aramean populations, who had then established prosperous States along the main caravan roads developing trade and commercial exchanges all over the Middle East…
14,50 €
Les campagnes militaires de Ramsès III à Médinet Habou. Entre vérité et propagande
C. SIMON. — The mortuary temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu is without any doubt the most important monument of his reign. He decided to build this temple with the same model than Ramesseum, not hesitating to copy cultic scenes that adorn its walls…
14,50 €
Operational Bases: Gaza and Beth Shan
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A. SPALINGER, "Operational Bases: Gaza and Beth Shan", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Pianchy/Piye. Between Two Worlds
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A. SPALINGER, "Pianchy/Piye. Between Two Worlds", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
14,50 €
Dans l’entourage de Karomama. Rapport préliminaire sur la fouille de la tombe à puits PF1013
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by Jean-Claude SZTUKA. — The excavation of the tomb shaft PF1013 showed that the tomb had been plundered at the same time as Karomama’s, likely by the same team, and that it was still intact when it was plundered…
14,50 €
Voyage dans les confins du monde. Outénet et l’Océan oriental (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty)
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F. SERVAJEAN. — An investigation into the location of the Outénet region, which documentation places at the edge of the world, where the sun rises, not far from an "Eastern Ocean" (wȝḏ-wr jȝbty). This region adjoins another southern region: the land of Pount…
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14,50 €
The Rise and Decline of the (Contractual) Slave Mode of Production in Central Italy
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M. SILVER, « The Rise and Decline of the (Contractual) Slave Mode of Production in Central Italy », Res Antiquae 10, Bruxelles, 2013.
14,50 €
Apama III et IV, reines de Bithynie et princesses de Syrie ? Note de prosopographie séleucide
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T. STASSER, « Apama III et IV, reines de Bithynie et princesses de Syrie ? Note de prosopographie séleucide », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
New data for a preliminary understanding of the Roman settlement network in South Coastal Tuscany. The case of Alberese (Grosseto, IT)
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by Alessandro SEBASTIANI. — This paper analyses Roman settlement and economical networks in the coastal area of the ager Rusellanus (South Tuscany, Italy). The area has been the focus of major archaeological excavations since 2009 under the Alberese Archaeological Project. This paper aims to combine datasets coming from field surveys, analysis of the material culture, landscape and geo-archaeological studies, analysis of…
14,50 €
Bemerkungen zu den karischen Personennamen aus Borsippa
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by Zsolt SIMON. — Cet article présente une enquête critique du matériau onomastique des Cariens dans la ville de Borsippa, y compris de…
14,50 €
Deux reines Ankhnespépy pour Pépy II Neferkarê ?
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by Thierry STASSER. — Ankhnespepy: do we have only one Queen, or two different women ? Opinions of Egyptologists differ here…
14,50 €
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by Thierry STASSER. — One document confirms without any doubt the existence of a second Queen Ahhotep…
14,50 €
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by Zsolt SIMON. — This paper argues that Lygdamis the Cimmerian cannot be identified as Tugdammî due to historical and chronological reasons…
14,50 €
Le bestiaire des princes clients du Proche-Orient romain :  animaux symboliques et propagande (Ier s. av. J.-C. - Ier s. apr. J.-C.)
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The Commagenian, Nabataean and Iturean princes, and even Herod the rex iudaicus, used the image of the eagle as a symbol of their authority. However, the meaning of these eagles was different according to the context. Other images of animals appeared in the iconography of the near-eastern “friends of the Romans”: horses, dromedaries and also a symbolic and zodiacal bestiary in Commagene and Pontus.
14,50 €
Trésors d’un autre âge
L. CAMMAERT, I. JADIN, P. SEMAL. — Bijna twee miljoen jaar lang heeft de mens in onze streken en op vele andere plaatsen in de wereld vuistbijlen vervaardigd en bewaard…
14,50 €
Transmission et vivacité des traditions céramiques locales durant l’occupation assyrienne. Le cas du bas Moyen-Euphrate syrien
S. SALMON. — The excavations on the site of Tell Masaïkh (Syria) brought to light a ceramic material, dated the Iron Age II. His study allowed the identification of typologies belonging to the Neo-Assyrian tradition and others which are certainly local…
14,50 €
Reines commagéniennes. La place des "basilissai" dans les hiérothésia et Iotapè Philadelphe
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What were the queens’ and princesses’ official functions in the Commagenian kingdom? The goal of this paper is to study their place in Antiochos I Theos’ religious reform (c 69-36 BC) especially on the Nemrud Daǧɩ. In a second section, we study Iotape Philadelphos’ role beside her husband, Antiochos IV Epiphanes (38-72 AD), and her presence in the Commagenian coinage.
14,50 €
Urartu. Les sources épigraphiques de la langue
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Following the publication of the Corpus of Urartian Inscriptions, namely of the first three volumes dedicated to the monumental texts (inscriptions on building stones and rocks) it is important to stress the importance of strong epigraphic research for linguistic studies. Apart from the well known methods of interpretation of an ancient language (ethymology, bilinguals, combinatory method) in the case of Urartian there is another one, consisting mainly in the study of the connections between inscriptions and their monumental and archaeological contexts. In this article some rock inscriptions are studied and interpretations of lexical elements and grammatical forms are offered. All these hypotheses are based exclusively on in situ study of inscriptions both in Eastern Turkey and Iranian Azerbaijan.
14,50 €
Le rôle politique des femmes de la dynastie d’Hérode. Hérodiade, Cypros, Bérénice, Salomé
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What were the princesses' official functions in the herodian dynasty ? We propose to analyse the women's place in the herodian propaganda as well as their political role beside the king. An evolution can be highlighted : contrary to Herod the Great, who was a "king without queen", Agrippa I, Agrippa II and Aristobulus decided to show themselves with a queen beside them. From then, monarchy had to be embodied by a royal couple.
14,50 €
Le “Chien” dans la tradition juive des littératures bibliques et para- et postbiblique (Ahiqar, écrits de Qumrân, pseudépigraphes et littérature rabbinique)
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Dogs in Judaism in biblical and extra- and postbiblical traditions (Ahiqar, writings from Qumran, Apocryphal and Rabbinic literature)
In Judaism, from the Torah until the later writings from Qumran and the Rabbinic literature, dogs are generally considered to be unclean, bad and fierce.
Despite the general negative connation, there are a few exceptional passages  where dogs occupy a very positive position as creatures faithful to their masters and  as guardians like in the apocryphal book of Tobit where the dog accompanies Tobias on his journey to Ekbatana. A similar role is assigned to the dog in the Midrash where Cain, having killed his brother Abel, is given a dog by God as a symbol of his protection.
In the Rabbinic tradition it is also written that the dogs stayed silent while the Israelites began to exit from Egypt, and the Talmud says that Jews should "tolerate" dogs.
14,50 €
Fonctions et images de la reine nabatéenne (Ier s. av. J.-C. – Ier s. ap. J.-C.)
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From Obodas III’s reign (30-9 BC), Nabataean kings and queens appeared together on the coins, like the Ptolemies. The queen took the attributes of Isis and Tyche in order to be the benefactress and protector of her people.
14,50 €
Il santuario, i rituali ed il wanax
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Cette étude commence par un ultérieur approfondissement sur la situation des opérateurs du culte mycéniens et leur organisation…
14,50 €
On the Hittite Demonstrative apaš
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Dans cet bref article, l’auteur se propose de prouver que le démonstratif hittite apaš provient d’une contamination de particules déictiques indo-européennes en *e/o et *bhe/o…
14,50 €
Évolution de la religion assyrienne en milieu syro-hittite et syro-araméen. Syncrétismes religieux et implications politiques
S. SALMON. —The main concepts building the identity of the Assyrian State since the Bronze Age developed around the theology of the Assyrian national god, Ashur, leader of the local pantheon and “true” king of Assyria…
14,50 €
Omero ideologo ?
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On relève en Homère une excessive, inacceptable homogénéité entre les Grecs et les non-Grecs. Dans le champ de la religion, le Panthéon grec semble être commun à toutes les gens entraînées dans la guerre de Troie; toutefois Homère introduit un rituel panhellénique des Vieilles pendant la procession menée par Hécube. Tous les personnages, héroïques ou moins, qui prennent part au conflit, emploient un langage qui est apparemment unique; toutefois, les peuples de la coalition anatolienne parlent des langues differentes (Il., IV, 436 seg.). D’un point de vue politique, on observe aussi que les souverains étrangers sont appelés βασιλεις, à la manière grecque. Dans l’Odyssée les Phéaciens semblent être un peuple qui vit heureusement; toutefois Homère admet l’existence de possibles larrons (Od., VIII, 443 seg.). Homère est un témoin attentif et digne de foi – à mon avis – de la réalité du monde mycénien à la fin du IIe millénaire. Pourtant pareilles contradictions étant inadmissibles, elles peuvent être expliquées seulement comme un bien précis objectif. Par le caractère politique-culturel de ces contradictions, il est possible de penser à un but à caractère idéologique.

14,50 €
La monarchie hasmonéenne d’après le témoignage des monnaies : État juif ou État hellénistique ?
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The usage of Greek symbols on Hasmonean coins solely reflects a superficial dualism which does not distort in any way the national character of the Hasmonean state. The coins do not reflect any cultural dualism whatsoever, evenless a kind of syncretism. The Greek symbols used by the Hasmonean were not seen as symbols of paganism or idolatry. They were chosen in accordance with their relevance to the Jewish tradition.
14,50 €
Statues royales nabatéennes
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The royal iconography which appeared in the Nabataean kingdom is part of the imitation phenomenon of Hellenistic kingship by the Nabataean dynasty. Inscriptions found in Petra indicate that these images were private dedication to the king, not official monuments. However, it seems that this was the outcome of the royal propaganda which aimed at presenting the king as the benefactor of the people. The deification of a king named Obodas, probably at the time of Aretas IV, and the erection of statues in honour of this new god were also part of the royal propaganda.
14,50 €
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