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Les navires des Grecs d’Asie au service des Grands Rois perses
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F. BOUZID-ADLER, « Les navires des Grecs d’Asie au service des Grands Rois perses », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Au long de l’Eurymédon. Le pisidien
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by Claude BRIXHE. — 1890 : On the river Eurymedon’s upper flow (territory of Timbriada, Pisidia), discovery of 16 funerary stelae with a non-Grek epitaph (IInd- IIIrd c. A. C.). Today we have about 50 epitaphs.— Recently, southwards, on the territory of Selge, discovery of 4 indigenous inscriptions (same time)…
14,50 €
« Personne ne remplissait la grange de Kubaba ». L’accumulation des céréales dans les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques des seigneurs locaux néo-hittites
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by Maria Elena BALZA. — After the collapse of the Hittite state, the transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age in Southern Anatolia and Northern Syria brings with it a set of socio-economic and political transformations that also affect the royal ideology…
14,50 €
Matthieu DEMANUELLI, Marco CAPARDONI, Maria Elena BALZA, Clelia MORA. — This paper provides a survey on the available documentation coming from the Anatolian site of Kululu, which lays in the region named Tabal in the Assyrian sources of the 9th-8th century BC…
14,50 €
Trois divinités tyriennes dans le récit de I Rois 18
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The Storm-God invokated by the prophets of Baal at I Kings 18 has been identified with Baal Shamīm or Milqart. The dance performed by the prophets, Elijah’s ironic references to some business, travel or sleep of this silent God and the presence of the prophets of Asherah allow us to see in this text a polemic against the three main tyrian deities : Baal Shamīm, Ashtart and Milqart.
14,50 €
Note sur la Gordyène
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As a region of Upper Mesopotamia located in the upper part of the Tigris basin, between Armenia and ancient Assyria, but also between the Roman and Persian empires, Gordyene appears regularly in the historical sources, but dedicated studies to it are curiously missing. It seems useful to propose a commented inventory of the main sources – essentially literary, but also epigraphic – concerning this region, and moreover to give a modest notice devoted to the historical geography and to a geopolitical view on that peculiar space, between the reigns of Teglath-Phalasar III and Julian the Apostate (VIIIth century B.C.-IVth century A.D.).
14,50 €
La « Dame » de Villers-Carbonnel : une spiritualité au Néolithique ?
Fr. BOSTYN. — De preventieve opgravingen die stroomopwaarts van het in aanbouw zijnde kanaal Seine - Noord-Europa werden uitgevoerd hebben een vrouwenbeeldje uit het Neolithicum in Villers-Carbonnel aan het licht gebracht…
14,50 €
Les symboles divins solaires hittites. Circulation ou invention ?
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During Antiquity, Men live everyday the constant presence of the sun. Therfore their lifestyle is influenced by the sunlight and its positive heat. It could explain the fact that the Sun God becomes one of the main divinities. However civilizations from diverse regions of the Ancient Near East perceive the Sun in the same way. The representation is it invented in each place? Or is it broadcast a culture to another ? This concern centred on Anatolia is the heart of this paper that will attempt to highlight different points of view of the symbolism of the Solar divinity.


14,50 €
L’apprentissage de la métrologie à Ougarit à la fin de l’âge du Bronze récent
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Within the lexicographic framework, the metrological texts in Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform discovered at Ras-Shamra provide a testimony for the formulation of metrological knowledge at Ugarit towards the end of the Late Bronze Age. I Have chosen to compare these data with the older material from Nippur and hope to show that the Ugaritic measures of content and surface show Old-Babylonian antecedents for some of their elements while others are of local origin.


14,50 €
La littérature d'Ougarit, creuset de traditions venues d'outremer et d'outremonts
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The myths of Ras Shamra-Ugarit contain a western legacy illustrated by the gods Kôtharu wa Hasisu and Qadisu wa 'Amraru and related to the migration of skills. The eastern legacy is illustrated by the mythico-magic document “H˚oron and the snakes”, related to the transfers of knowledge. In the legends of Kirta and Aqhatu, several elements are related to the transmission of wisdom.


14,50 €
La transmission de l'alphabet phénicien aux Grecs.  “Confrontation dialectique” des théories de B. B. Powell et de R. D. Woodard et synthèse de S.-T. Teodorsson
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Studies on the origin and development of the alphabet are very abundant: considering the last twenty years only, I listed more than thirty papers and monographs, which focus their attention on the mother script and antiquity of the Greek alphabet or the place and modalities of its transmission. In this paper, I shall comment three key theories, namely these of B.B. Powell (1991), related with Homeric epics, R.D. Woodard (1997), related with Cypriot syllabic writing, and S.-T. Teodorsson (2006), related with oriental literature. I chose them because they offer a global model of the alphabet’s historical reconstitution, which takes into consideration all parts of the question. Powell’s “Homer related” theory and Woodard’s, on a Cypriot origin, apparently completely opposed, seem to be combined to a certain degree by Teodorsson, who proposes a kind of compromise between literary influence and trade routes.


14,50 €
The Kouris Valley Project 2007-2009. An overview
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Le Kouris Valley Project est un projet de recherche mené par l’Université de Florence en collaboration avec les Universités de Chieti et de Turin dans la région de Kourion (Limassol, Chypre)… 
14,50 €
Euhemeros von Messene. Ökonomisches Denken in einer “Utopie” der hellenistischen Zeit
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Dans l’Écriture Sacrée de Evhémère le Messinien, conseiller du roi des Macédoniens, Cassandre décrit la situation socio-économique des îles de l’Océan indien, que lui-même a visitées. Les traits caractéristiques de la structure de la société et de l’économie des îles sont la répartition sociale du travail entre la population, l’évaluation positive du manoeuvre, ainsi que la politique économique centralisée et l’économie des incitations à la partie la plus productive de la population. Un passage souligne ce que possèdent les prêtres, lesquels exercent le pouvoir supérieur. Le travail de Evhémère, relevant du genre littéraire politique “mytho-historique” (Staatsroman) des temps hellénistiques, appartient à la catégorie du mirror for princes, qui aboutit à projeter sur le prince la conception de la société idéale.
14,50 €
La conception des animaux domestiques et des animaux de compagnie dans la Mésopotamie d’époque historique
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In the ancient Near East the animals are very often represented in art and are present mostly in temples but also in houses and in palaces. Wild animals are more frequently reproduced than domesticated. The most represented domesticated animals are those ones mentioned in the texts : first cattle and then goat, sheep, donkey/horse, dog. It’s difficult to establish which kind of animals Mesopotamians considered as domesticated : only those which had an usefulness for milk and meat, for transport, for war and hunting, for ploughing or also those which aroused friendly feelings ? Was there a feeling for animals like that we have today for pets ? In iconography, but chiefly in texts and in archaeozoologic data there are some elements which suggested that there was a feeling for at least some animals, mainly monkey, cattle, dog and horse.

14,50 €
Conditions et symbolisme de l’animal domestique dans le culte de la divinité Soleil
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In the second millennium BC, numerous sacrifices of animals were made in honour of the divinity Sun in Anatolia. During the sacrifices of pets, sheep, ox and  pig are the most usually animals mentioned. By basing itself on a representative sample of extracts of texts, we shall put in relationship the world of the gods with the world of the Men. In this paper, we shall emphasize the fact that the animals which are a part of the current life of the Men are the ones also presented to the gods for the divine consumption.

14,50 €
Le stadiasmos de Patara et la définition de l’espace romain dans la nouvelle province de Lycie-Pamphylie
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This article examines the now well-known inscription of Patara, the so-called Stadiasmos of Patara. Authors already argued that the long list of measures between cities of Lycia was useless as an itinerary and travel guide…
14,50 €
Droit et religion en Asie Mineure : autour de la reconsacration comme sanction juridique chez les Hittites
E. J. BUIS. — Both legal and religious texts show an interesting coherence as far as the expression appa šuppiyahh- is concerned. Through the analysis of certain passages in Muwatalli’s prayer and various Hittite legal provisions, where the verb is mentioned…

14,50 €
Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria). Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research
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Une approche interdisciplinaire a permis de retracer les changements environnementaux de la région de Tell Tweini…
14,50 €
Deux textes administratifs néo-sumériens et un sceau-cylindre paléo-babylonien inédits
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The first Neo-Sumerian administrative text is dated from the second month of the 42d year of Šulgi’s reign. This is an expenditure text of a certain Urkununna, a high-ranking civil servant from Drehem. The second tablet, a delivery text, is probably dated from the third month of the third year of Šū-Sin’s reign. The owner of the Old-Babylonian cylinder seal is Ilišamaš, son of Ahušunu, servant of Šamaš and of Nergal of Apiak.
14,50 €
Quelques réflexions sur la montagne comme lieu de culte des Hittites
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In this paper, the author presents some aspects of the organization of Hittite festivals when they take place on a mountain. Even if the texts are few and laconic, some details let us think that it required a large human assistance ; for example, the setting up of the “tent” before the king arrives, the forwarding of the supplies for the cultic offers, the coming of many people belonging to the palatial or religious staff. All these particulars show, in an unusual way, the importance of the Hittite outdoor religious festivals.
14,50 €
La montagne d’après les données textuelles d’Ougarit
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This study of the textual data from Ugarit concerning mountains is organized around three topics. First, mountains are viewed as an elemental part of the sacred landscape of the kingdom of Ugarit, dwellings of gods, meeting place of divinities, the edge of the world. Then the question of the identification of administrative districts in terms of geographical regions is treated. The final theme is the importance for the economy of the natural resources found in the mountainous areas, particularly animal husbandry, agriculture and timber industry.
14,50 €
Les gloses étrusques
D. BRIQUEL. — We can find in Greek and Roman literature about sixty Etruscan glosses, i.e. translation of Etruscan words in Greek or Latin, which complete the knowleddge of Etruscan language we can get from epigraphical data…
14,50 €
Anatolian Archaisms  and the Origin of Indo‑European Roots
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J. BOLEY. — This paper presents evidence and arguments in favor of deriving ancient Indo-European Roots from Particles. In this way, it seeks to complete the picture of Proto-Indo-European syntax set forth in previous work. The "deictic" nature of the earliest reconstructible Indo-European speech is connected up.
14,50 €
Tabal sur un sceau-cylindre araméen
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On the cylinder seal are represented a sacred tree with on each side human-headed bulls.  They hold on up-raised hands a winged sun disk from which arise three human heads, a central figure flanked by saluting assistants. On the left, a man raises his hands towards the central group while, on the right, a person wearing a fish costume is performing an act of aspersion. The human-headed bull to the left has his body turned in but is looking back over his shoulder at the suppliant and at a second figure who is holding a sickle-sword in his right hand and under his left arm a quadruped which has its head turned looking at the central scene.  Under the hind legs of this animal, a monkey-like creature is crouched facing right. Above the left-most personage are six small six-pointed stars and just above the suppliant’s raised hands is a much larger eight-pointed orb.
The motifs of this scene are Mesopotamian and date to the VIIIth or the VIIth century, while the Aramaic inscription may be dated palaeographically to about the middle of the VIIth century. It reads LTBLY MN ≥BLNH, "(Belonging) to Tabal≠ (or, if aramaic,Tabalay] of Abilena."  Tabal≠  (or Tabalay) appears to be a gentilic, referring to the land of Tabal, probably to be located in Asia Minor in one of the areas conquered a few decades earlier by Sargon II of Assyria. The owner of the seal wished to be identified both with his homeland and with his new domicile in the Abilena region of the Anti-Lebanon range on the eastern slopes of the Lebanese Beqa Valley.
14,50 €
Riflessioni sulla Logica e sul modo di pensare antichi
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Les résultats actuels des études indo-européennes révèlent un aspect du système linguistique préhistorique qui contraste radicalement avec la grammaire traditionnelle. Cet article tend à démontrer que les différences dans l’expression et la syntaxe correspondent à des différences dans l’organisation mentale et le système de la logique. Il est de plus suggéré que le mécanisme linguistique antique cadre mieux avec le langage tel qu’il est activé dans le cerveau, ceci en accord avec ce qui est généralement admis au niveau de la base neurologique du langage. Par parenthèse, une relation est signalée entre cette représentation du langage et la philosophie de Bergson.

14,50 €
Considérations sur la légende d’Attus Navius
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The Roman augur Attus Navius was famous for having prevented king Tarquinius the Elder from changing the tarditional organization of Roman cavalry with its three centuries. Other texts tell us how, as a child, he reinvented the art of observing birds as practiced by augurs. He was also connected with the alleged translation of the fig-tree under which the founder of Rome, Romulus, was suckled by the she-wolf. These three stories can be related together, as forming parts of a career conceived along the lines of old Indo-European trifunctional ideology, after which Attus Navius’ mysterious vanishing can be understood as a kind of heroization.
14,50 €
Les Galles d’Anatolie : image et réalités
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In this study, M.-F. Baslez, who studies particularly the religious movements in Anatolia and in the East Mediterranean Sea during the Greco-roman period, presents a very interesting new approach for our knowledge of the Galli sacerdotes, the priests of the Phrygian Goddess Cybele whose principal sanctuary in Asia Minor was situated at Pessinonte.
14,50 €
The Storyteller’s Art in Old Hittite. The Use of Sentence Connectives and Discourse Particles
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L’emploi dans le hittite ancien des particules du discours, comprenant les connectifs, est analysé. On propose que la narration orale de cette période, qui change peu l’ordre des mots et use peu de la subordination, néanmoins maintient un style vif et immédiat et exprime délicates juxtapositions, contrastes et liens logiques entre les phrases au moyen des particules.
14,50 €
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