
by Carl Meissner and Pierre Altenhoven. — Book in French (See Details)

36,00 €
Abécédaire humoristique d’après les poètes latins

by Estelle Debuy, illustré par Mathieu "la Mine". — In French. Voici une manière ludique et amusante de réviser et de perfectionner son latin. Si certains de ces extraits font sourire, d’autres sembleront d’une étonnante actualité… (Details)

28,00 €
Sénèque l’Ancien
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
32,00 €
Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
41,00 €
Ad honorem per ardorem (grammaire)

by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details)

Ad honorem per ardorem (exercices)

by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details)

35,00 €
Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin

Alain Blanc & Emmanuel Dupraz (dir.). —  Book in French (See details)

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Estelle DEBOUY. — We know little about the atellane, the comedies which staged typical characters (Maccus, Pappus, Bucco and Dossennus) that originated with the Oscians and were in vogue under Sylla…
Giuseppe SAMO, Giuliano CARACCIOLO. — The goal of this paper is to offer a model to classify automatically Latin inscriptions on the basis of text-internal criteria…
14,50 €
Théorie et pratique de l’ornementation poétique chez Cicéron
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Cicero did not write poetics but when explaining, in the De Oratore as in the Oraror, how ornatus is produced, he puts the emphasis on poetic language because poets are given more freedom in using and creating words and metaphors. Is that enough to characterise poetical procedures? Yes, as will be shown here, because such poetics focused on words as lumina allows a clear perspective on Cicero’s choices as a poet inasmuch as it echoes Lucretius’ programmatic stance.
14,50 €
Les termes interrogatifs en poésie didactique latine. Un trait de différenciation inter- ou intragénérique ?
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This paper will investigate on interrogative markers, especially those of cause and manner, in Latin didactic poetry, in order to see if their distribution is more or less the same in all the texts considered and thus distinguishes this genre of literature among other ones, or else if there are differences between the several poems reflecting various aims pursued by the authors If the latter were the case, this linguistic study might contribute to the typology of Latin didactic poetry afforded by other scholars from a literary point of view.Cicero did not write poetics but when explaining, in the De Oratore as in the Oraror, how ornatus is produced, he puts the emphasis on poetic language because poets are given more freedom in using and creating words and metaphors. Is that enough to characterise poetical procedures? Yes, as will be shown here, because such poetics focused on words as lumina allows a clear perspective on Cicero’s choices as a poet inasmuch as it echoes Lucretius’ programmatic stance.
14,50 €
Poétique des ténèbres. De l’indo-européen au latin
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Latins have lost the oral epic tradition, as kept by Homer and Mahābhārata. The present paper tries to trace out latin formulas which could belong to such a tradition : Indo-European poetry conceived the succession of days and nights as two veils, one being bright, the other dark, which were drawn alternatively over the earth. Latin poetry uses noctem/ tenebras/ auroram (in/ob)-tendere or (in/ob)ducere, but it is not easy to distinguish inherited formulas and borrowings from Greek epic poetry. More surprising is the use of ruere (nox ruit, sol ruit) ; in such a phraseology; ruere could represent an i.-e. root *Hrew- “is red” (hitt. harwanaizzi “the first light of dawn appears”), further confused with ruere “to rush”.
14,50 €
Observations sur le vers saturnien
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The present paper aims at examining the origins of the Latin saturnian verse within the tradition of Italic poetics as an inheritance of Indo-European poetics. Several archaic Latin and Sabellian inscriptions are analysed as metrical texts. We suggest that the Latin saturnian verse may have developped in a short period from the VIth to the IIIrd centuries B.C.
14,50 €
Ambiguïté, dit et non-dit dans la langue poétique latine. L’exemple de ferri dans l’Énéide II et III de Virgile
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Every language presents ambiguous structures. This article investigates several meanings of the passive, especially of fero “to bear”, which, for the passive, can mean either “to be borne” or “to go to...”.
In the II and III books of the Eneid the ambiguous verbs show that Aeneas does not clearly understand the meaning of the misfortune of Troia.
14,50 €
L’usage de la poésie dans le De Legibus
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This article fits in a research about the way Cicero reads Plato, especially in his political work. In the De Legibus, Cicero, like Plato in his Laws, uses legislative preambles, which have connections with poetical processes. But, while, in Plato, these preambles come within the idea that poetry plays a part in persuasion, as well as in education, in Cicero, the preamble’s notion is to be distinguished from the Platonician example. Cicero does not have the same vision neither of poetry nor of the preamble. According to him, their aim is neither to persuade nor to educate. Instead, he tries to restore the old process of carmen, a religious preamble to Roman law. In this way, Cicero restores the legislative process, by giving it a new dimension. He also places the poetic language within the legislative process, and therefore within the Roman political space, without making it lose its other dimensions.
14,50 €
Latin pollinctor, grec λιπ(α), picénien VEPSES. Phraséologie et élaboration poétique
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The aim of the present contribution is to explore the function and meaning of pollinctor “undertaker’s assistant”. It is argued that the infectum of the corresponding verb pollingere is probably a ghost word. The paper then offers an interpretation of the South Picene stele of Bellante (from the sixth or fifth century) in connection with the poetic structure of the text. The hypothesis that the South Picene form vepses is etymologically related to pollinctor is supported by phraseological correlations within the South Picene inscriptions.
14,50 €
Procédés synchroniques dans les textes poétiques des langues sabelliques. Entre tradition indigène et influence de la littérature hellénistique
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Some sepulchral inscriptions in Sabellian language from Paelignian and Marrucinian regions in ancient Italy dating II-I centuries b.Chr. cross poetic structures inherited from very archaic local traditions with various topics belonging to the hellenistic literature.
All this outlines the specific features of such poetic items whose purpose was to show the cultural identity of these local communities in contrast with the widespread Roman influence.
14,50 €
Jean-Claude HAELEWYCK. — The author edits the Old Latin text of the ancient Gallican series of the song of Habakkuk…
La capture d’Amphissa par Philippe II lors de la quatrième guerre sacrée. À propos d’un stratagème de Polyen (Stratagèmes, IV, 2, 8)
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F.-D. DELTENRE, «  La capture d’Amphissa par Philippe II lors de la quatrième guerre sacrée. À propos d’un stratagème de Polyen (Stratagèmes, IV, 2, 8) », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 91-100.
14,50 €
L’image du tigre dans la Thébaïde de Stace. Entre motifs traditionnels et agenda narratif
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C. MAES, « L’image du tigre dans la Thébaïde de Stace. Entre motifs traditionnels et agenda narratif », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
Lo "stipendium" legionario da 75 denari
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by Luigi PEDRONI. — Dans cet article, on présente quelques observations sur le "stipendium" des légionnaires romains au IIIe siècle av. J.-C., basées sur la constatation que ses différentes augmentations in époque tardo-republicaine et l’impériale sont modulés sur la somme de 75 asses. On peut supposer, donc, que le chiffre de 75 avait pris valeur standard à partir du moment où le stipendium…
14,50 €
Naissance et essor d’un centre démographique en Dalmatie. La population de Burnum entre le Ier et le VIe siècle ap. J.‑C.
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by Hélène GLOGOWSKI. — Archaeological surveys and excavation carried out in Burnum, Dalmatia, revealed part of the plan of the ancient site and made it possible to understand the different phases of its development…
14,50 €
Darius II Ochos et les quatre fonctions indo-européennes. Valère maxime, faits et dits mémorables, IX 2 Ext. 6
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by Marcel MEULDER. — Valerius Maximus, by citing one of the executions by which Darius Ochus, Cyrus’ and Artaxerxes’ father, subjects his political opponents, gives a new perspective to the Iranian religion during the last quarter of the fifth century b. C…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — I want to show how, changing one letter when you read or write the name of some locality, you also change everything was established about the very evenements History had for a long time admitted as true realty and always in the same manner described…
14,50 €
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by Danielle PORTE. — As the description of details relative to Alesia (site, ways, battle a.s.a.) don’t fit to the realities offered by the official localisation (Alise sainte-Reine), main of archeologs, university professors and historian incrimine J. Cæsar’s text, which contains mistakes and lies…
14,50 €
Etimologia indoeuropea ed etimologia del sistema. Riflessioni sul lat. pontifex
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Dans le mot latin pontifex, l’élément ponti-, considéré en tant que « parcours » qui unit l’homme à la divinité, donnait à ce terme la signification de « celui qui ouvre, qui prépare un chemin ». C’était en effet le pontifex qui, pendant le rituel, était en mesure de réaliser ce contact. Une comparaison avec des textes indiens a montré que pontifex n’est pas une création du latin, l’image métaphorique a une origine bien plus ancienne qui remonte à la phase indo-européenne. Dans cet essai, on analyse la présence de cette métaphore dans les langues anatoliennes. Dans les rituels des Hittites, on parle souvent non seulement des chemins que la divinité parcourt pour assister à la cérémonie, mais c’est la formule même du célébrant qui est définie un pont.
14,50 €
Le parti pris des vases. Étude eugubine (IIIe-IIe s. av. J.-C.)
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In the Tables of Gubbio, a very important place is given to the dishes, which obviously play the role of receptacle for products involved in the sacrifice, but also have a specific religious role. This study attempts to define the nature and function of each of the mentioned containers and their ritual use. They have not only to supply the cooking of the sacrifice with a whole set of varied dishes or pans, but also to present offerings to the gods in suited plates or cups. Moreover, the containers go with the gesture, support the prayer. By the play of their colours, they even express the ambiguity of particular contradictory gods and, more widely, reflects a universe made of opposites which the rite has to reconcile.
14,50 €
La vie municipale et religieuse dans les cités du Nord de la Gaule
M.-Th. RAEPSAET-CHARLIER, G. RAEPSAET. — De romanisering van Gallië was een langdurig en moeizaam proces, dat nochtans ondersteund werd door een grondig uitgewerkte institutionele structuur en de aanwezigheid van troepen aan de grenzen, alsook door de integratie van de bevolking in de Romeinse beschaving die doorheen het hele Romeinse rijk handelsverkeer genereert…
14,50 €
Crudelis tu quoque, mater. Sur un passage problématique du chant de Damon (Virgile, VIIIe Bucolique, v. 47-50)
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The verses 47-50 of the eighth Eclogue are very confusing: they refer to personae whose identity can’t be clearly established (crudelis mater, puer improbus). Besides, their inelegantly emphatic form lets us suppose a textual corruption. Yet, an intertextual approach helps us to shed light on the meaning of the passage: the portrayal of incest in Catullian Carmen 64 (v. 403-406) − which obviously influenced Virgil − is very close to Virgilian verses, and takes place in a similar context: the depiction of crimes induced by Love. Hence our hypothesis that the ‘cruel mother’ (crudelis mater) and the ‘indecent child’ (improbus puer) are mentioned as an anonymous exemplum of incest.


14,50 €
Lat. "gravastellus" (Plaut. "Epid." 620): un "hapax" problematico
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L’adjectif plautinien grāvāstellus (Ep., 620) a toujours posé des problèmes à l’analyse  linguistique, étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un hapax et aussi parce qu’il n’a été pas transmis de manière univoque par tous les manuscrits (dans certains d’entre eux, on lit ravistellus). Toutefois, la forme grāvāstellus est défendable du point de vue philologique, si on prend en compte l’authenticité et l’autorité de la tradition qui l’atteste. Il est possible, dès lors, de faire remonter grāvāstellus à un étymon *grā-u̯os, qui se retrouve dans la variante plus récente rāvus, « gris ». Lié étymologiquement à des formes grecques telles que γραῦς, « vieille femme », l’adjectif *grā-u̯os comporte un signifié primitif « vieux », qui a donné, par spécialisation sémantique, le sens de « gris » dans rāvus. L’existence de telles variations en latin est confirmée par la comparaison avec les autres langues indo-européennes.
14,50 €
Expulser l’autre. À propos d’un rituel ombrien (TI VI b 52 à VII a 2)
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The present paper aims at analyzing the description of an Umbrian ritual (TI VI b 52 to VII a 2). During this ritual, the foreigners are expelled from among the citizens of Iguvium. I examine how aggressive urges are unleashed, and on the same time controlled, in the frame of the religious performance.
14,50 €
Les inscriptions de Lepcis Magna en l’honneur de Septime Sévère et de sa famille. Deuxième partie
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This article is the second part of a study intituled « The inscriptions of Lepcis Magna in honour of Septimius Severus and his family ». In this first article, we exposed the epigraphically corpus used and tried to identified author of this texts (see).
14,50 €
L’enfant de la  IVe Bucolique : un autre Zarathuštra ?
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Because the ambiguousness of the Latin grammar we don’t know who in Virgil’s 4th Eclogue (vv. 60 – 63) smiles (the child to his mother or the mother to her child). In order to work out this problem we compare the birth of the child and Zoroaster’s whose Virgil’s contemporaries knew the live, at least partly. We thus may say not only the child smiles to his mother, but also he is born in a religious environment, as when Zoroaster was born. In the 4th Eclogue, Virgil provides the child with some Zoroaster’s salient features, in order that the child has the qualities of the founder of the religion the Parthians, i.e. the Rome’ enemies, practise, and because the child will see the submission of the Parthians.
14,50 €
Antiquité classique et tradition biblique en symbiose dans l’Anthologie Palatine, VIII, Epigrammes 12-23
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In order to situate the Anthologia Palatina in the cultural history of Europe, this article analyses twelve literary epitaphs of Gregory of Nazianzus : 1. Book XXIV, Epitaphia 12-23, texts and observations; 2. biographical order of the poems; 3. the junction of classical and patristic traditions; 4. private poetry.
14,50 €
Cicéron, d’Italie en Cilicie. Conditions, vitesse et impressions de voyage d’un futur gouverneur
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The nomination of Cicero as governor obliged the orator to a long travel from Rome to Cilicia between april and august 51 B.C. Cicero had to organise a long journey to Asia Minor on road and sea, with the obsession to avoid a prorogation in his province…
14,50 €
Système proprement latin de la morphologie
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The latin conjugation obeys a law of phonetics very general which limits considerably the successions of consonants with regard to their frequency…
14,50 €
Les inscriptions de Lepcis Magna en l’honneur de Septime Sévère et de sa famille. Première partie
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This article, in two parts (see), studies the latin inscriptions dedicated to Septimius Severus and his family in the city of Lepcis Magna…
14,50 €
I "saecula" etruschi
F. MORA. — Contre l’idée répandue que les siècles étrusques duraient plus de cent ans, on démontre que les siècles longs n’appartiennent qu’à l’annalistique romaine, tandis que les siècles étrusques duraient moins de cent ans…
14,50 €
Tacite et Sima Qian
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Tacitus and Sima Qian (ca. 140-85 BC, author of the Shiji, the Records of the Historian) are eminent representatives of Roman and ancient Chinese historiography…
14,50 €
De cuneatis, quas vocant, inscriptionibus persepolitanis legendis et explicandis relatio ou comment Grotefend perça le mystère du vieux-perse
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This paper offers a Latin to French translation of the small account Georg Friedrich Grotefend gave about his attempt of deciphering Old Persian cuneiform. The Göttingen young Latin teacher’s article, which title is De cuneatis, quas vocant, inscriptionibus persepolitanis legendis et explicandis relatio, appears partly, at first, in the Göttinger Gelehrten Anzeigen in 1802-1803. The last editing version, by W. Meyer, dates back to 1893. This work represents the key of Old Persian decipherment but has never been translated to date. It seems all the more necessary to do it since severals differences exist  between Grotefend’s own account and what can be usually read on the topic.
So, this text allows us to follow the decipherer’s work and progress, and his method, as Grotefend himself notifies, from general considerations on the three writings attested on Persepolis monuments, to very precise readings and translations of Old Persian  cuneiform inscriptions, what he calls “the first Persepolitan writing”.
14,50 €
Les gloses étrusques
D. BRIQUEL. — We can find in Greek and Roman literature about sixty Etruscan glosses, i.e. translation of Etruscan words in Greek or Latin, which complete the knowleddge of Etruscan language we can get from epigraphical data…
14,50 €
Problèmes falisques
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The present paper aims at examining some contemporary problems related to Faliscan, in the fields of phonetics, morphology, lexicology and poetics. Attention is paid to the diachronic and synchronic relations of Faliscan with the other Italic languages, expecially with Latin. An etymological analysis is proposed for the Faliscan forms faced and umom.
14,50 €
Le déchiffrement de l’étrusque. Histoire, problèmes et perspectives
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The aim of this study is definitely not to give a mere account of the decipherment of the Etruscan language, but to establish a connection between the history of that decipherment, the problems which had to be faced, and the issues usually raised by any decipherment. Consequently we will endeavour to describe demonstration procedures, to try to understand why the decipherment has assumed this shape and form, to analyse the methods which prevailed during that decipherment and the reasons why they were doomed to failure. Finally, we will examine the question of bilinguals: we will begin with the role played by bilinguals in various decipherments; then we will try to understand the part played by the tablets of Pyrgi, which will enable us to wonder about the main purposes of any decipherment.
14,50 €
Langue et religion : le cas étrusque

M.-L. HAACK. — Many Etruscan words were adopted in the Latin language thanks to the renowned Etruscan piety. The author examines these loanwords and distinguishes three major phases…

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14,50 €