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Étienne Drioton et l’Égypte

by Michèle JURET. — Book in French. As a testimony of his work and his careul observation of everyday life in Egypt, Étienne Drioton (1889-1961) left a significant collection of pictures taken between 1924 and 1952, many of which remain unpublished. This book takes the reader with him to a journey along the Nile… (details in French)

40,00 €
Recensement des édifices et maisons de Bruxelles

by Jean-Louis Van Belle. — Book in French.This unique manuscript has recently been found in private archives and is now published in its entirety for the first time. With its 8,000 entries, this document is a genuine Brussels "Who's who" of the end of the 16th century… (details)

79,00 €
Ambiguïté, dit et non-dit dans la langue poétique latine. L’exemple de ferri dans l’Énéide II et III de Virgile
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Every language presents ambiguous structures. This article investigates several meanings of the passive, especially of fero “to bear”, which, for the passive, can mean either “to be borne” or “to go to...”.
In the II and III books of the Eneid the ambiguous verbs show that Aeneas does not clearly understand the meaning of the misfortune of Troia.
14,50 €
Prolégomènes à l’étude des relations de pouvoir entre les entités animées dans KTU 1.1-6. Cadre relationnel de ʿAnatu et Baʿlu
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by Vanessa JULOUX. — It has been commonly understood that Baʿlu and ʿAnatu are sometimes lovers, sometimes brother and sister, sometimes both. Thanks to fallibilism, new fields of investigations have now become possible, thereby challenging any deterministic dogma. By combining pragmatics (utterance comprehension in context), philosophy of action (motivation and intentionality), empiricism and deontic power (rights and obligations), I investigate…
14,50 €
Trésors d’un autre âge
L. CAMMAERT, I. JADIN, P. SEMAL. — Bijna twee miljoen jaar lang heeft de mens in onze streken en op vele andere plaatsen in de wereld vuistbijlen vervaardigd en bewaard…
14,50 €
Étudier l’invisible. Un fossé de l’âge du Bronze moyen à Havay-Givry
M. DEMELENNE, O. COLLETTE, F. DAMBLON, M. HERMAN, I. JADIN. — De in cirkelvorm gegraven structuur in Havay-Givry wordt qua ouderdom gesitueerd in de Midden-Bronstijd. Gelijkaardige structuren zijn gevonden in de cultuur van Éramécourt (Frankrijk) en Hilversum (Vlaanderen en Nederland)…
14,50 €
Des haches néolithiques à l’époque romaine
A. THIEBAUX, I. JADIN, E. GOEMAERE. — Zes Neolitische bijlen en een beitel uit steen, afkomstig uit de oude opgravingen van twee Romeinse villae in Houdeng-Goegnies vertonen sporen waarvan de interpretatie is dat ze hergebruikt zijn in de Gallo-Romeinse tijd…
14,50 €
The Kouris Valley Project 2007-2009. An overview
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Le Kouris Valley Project est un projet de recherche mené par l’Université de Florence en collaboration avec les Universités de Chieti et de Turin dans la région de Kourion (Limassol, Chypre)… 
14,50 €
L'Asie mineure et ses langues
W. JENNIGES. — This paper aims at presenting a general overview of the languages of Asia Minor in the 2nd and 1st millennia B.C. It focuses primarily on terminological questions, the history of the discovery and decipherment, and the state of the art…
14,50 €