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Contributions géomorphologiques à l’étude de deux sites mérovingiens en Hainaut
O. COLLETTE. — Door de archeologische gegevens, de waarnemingen op het terrein en bijkomende ruimtelijke analyses samen te brengen kon men de kennis van de Merovingische begraafplaatsen in Viesville (B. Henegouwen, Pont-à-Celles) en op de Grand’Place in Quaregnon aanvullen…
14,50 €
Étudier l’invisible. Un fossé de l’âge du Bronze moyen à Havay-Givry
M. DEMELENNE, O. COLLETTE, F. DAMBLON, M. HERMAN, I. JADIN. — De in cirkelvorm gegraven structuur in Havay-Givry wordt qua ouderdom gesitueerd in de Midden-Bronstijd. Gelijkaardige structuren zijn gevonden in de cultuur van Éramécourt (Frankrijk) en Hilversum (Vlaanderen en Nederland)…
14,50 €
Apports et limites de l’archéologie expérimentale. La reconstitution du fourneau à sel gaulois de Pont-Rémy
G. PRILAUX, C. CHAIDRON, Chr. HOËT-VAN CAUWENBERGHE, A. MASSE. — Als ze met grote zorgvuldigheid wordt toegepast kan de experimentele methode veel toevoegen aan de kennis van de oude productie-activiteiten…
14,50 €
Le Alpi orientali del versante italiano tra età del Ferro e tarda Antichità. Sintesi storica in funzione dei più recenti dati archeologici
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M. CAVALIERI, « Le Alpi orientali del versante italiano tra età del Ferro e tarda Antichità. Sintesi storica in funzione dei più recenti dati archeologici  », Res Antiquae 7, Brussels, 2010, p. 271-330.
14,50 €
Néron et le "De clementia" de Sénèque, racine ou rupture ?
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At the same time Seneca is the thinker of the government over which the last prince Julio-claudian reigns, and the thinker of the « new » political designation should thus be given to translate the concepts invented by him for Nero’s reign. The Nero’s tutor has been expressed through three types of discourse – one philosophical, one political and a satirical theatrical work. All of them consist of a continous meditation on power. One book emerges from this polyphonical and political discourse ; the De clementia, founding pillar of both the new princely ideology and the shift to the political action of the concepts embodied in the person of Nero. The De clementia gives the impression of being both consistent with the political values developed by the Ancients, and the thought of a new political era. Then, can we consider the De clementia as a root or, alternatively, as a rupture ?


14,50 €
La Tyche di Castelraimondo. Un’iconografia ellenistica rinvenuta sulle Alpi orientali italiane
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Dans le cadre d’un projet de fouilles près de l’agglomération mineure de Castelraimondo (province d’Udine, Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, Italie), a été retrouvé une intaille reproduisant l’image de la divinité greco-romaine Fortuna…
14,50 €
"Genus numeri". Relations mathématiques sous-jacentes à l’architecture étrusque : le cas du temple de l’"Ara della Regina" à Tarquinia
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At Tarquinia, the so-called « Ara della Regina » shows exceptional proportions when compared to other Etruscan temples and that since the first half of the VIth century B.C…
14,50 €
Sacrilège à Pessongoi ! Aspects culturels, religieux et théologiques de la correspondance des rois attalides avec le grand-prêtre de Pessinonte
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The attalid letters from Pessinous are exceptionnal documents for Antiquity, because of their secret nature. They allow the reconstitution of a tragic episod which affected the sanctuary: a sacrilege commited by Galatians. Facing the accident, the author of these texts expresses reactions rarely noticed, linked with theology. It may be added that the presentations of these events became possible by the simple change concerning the word Pessongoi, which figures in the beginning of the first letter.
14,50 €
La divinité du mont Argée
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Classical coins from Caesarea (Kayseri) in Cappadocia and gems depict the Argaeus mountain in relation with a solar deity and horse. Commentators often hesitated to give a name to this deity : Helios-Apollon, Zeus-Sarapis ? According to texts from Kanesh, compared with classical and iconographical sources, the Argaeus-deity could be Pirwa, god of the mountain and protector of horses, the sanctuary of which was a kind of baetyl.
14,50 €
Par monts et par vaux infernaux : la topographie des enfers dans le monde grec
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In archaic and classical Greece, the infernal world is characterized by a large network of rivers and marshy zones. The landscape appears essentially like a meadow (leimwvn), in other words a field heavy with moisture. Nevertheless, it is no flat open country as will be shown in this paper.
14,50 €
Le Tabal de la préhistoire au début de l’ère chrétienne
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The lector finds here a short historical introduction to the Tabal, an important country of Southern Anatolia.
14,50 €
Chypre, Rhodes et l’Anatolie méridionale : la question ionienne
O. CASABONNE, J. DEVOS. — Examination of the Aegyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Biblical and Achaemenid texts, indicates that the “Ionians” (Yaw/mnayi, Yawan, Yauna) were not only Greek and Cypriot populations, but also Anatolian populations…
14,50 €
"Referre, revocare, restituere". Forme e significati dell’urbanistica nella Roma di fine I sec. d.C.
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L’article de Marco Cavalieri a pour objet la politique urbanistique à Rome à l’époque de l’empereur Domitien. Partant du présupposé que l’action évergétique du souvrain est toujours le résultat de la rencontre entre exigences du pouvoir et du consentement populaire, le texte prend en considération toutes les interventions architectonico-urbanistiques les plus connues voulues par Domitien, cherchant à en comprendre de manière plus approfondie les motivations et les buts idéologiques. Les conclusions auxquelles il arrive mettent en évidence un projet de rénovation de l’aspect urbanistique de la ville fondé sur les nouvelles exigences du dominatus : d’un côté, l’exaltation de la figure du souverain au moyen d’une politique dynastique et triomphaliste, de l’autre un nouveau centre de concentration politique, le Palatium. Comme conséquence à tout ceci, la démagogie toujours attentive du panem et circenses.
14,50 €
Carl Robert et la peinture de Polygnote
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Greek painter Polygnotos’ paintings are only preserved by Pausanias’ description and by some isolated mentions of other Greek and Latin writers. At the end of the nineteenth century, the German scholar Carl Robert wrote three books on the works of this artist, in which he attempts to reconstitute three pictures (Nekyia, Ilioupersis and the Battle of Marathon). His attempt is part of a tradition that traces back to the middle of the eighteenth century. This paper shows how these studies on the Greek painting fall into line with Carl Robert’s research works, in what they are distinguishable from previous reconstitutions and which innovations they brought in the knowledge of the Greek painting of the fifth century B.C. as well as in the edition of Pausanias’ text.

14,50 €
Christian CANNUYER. — After being initiated in 1891 by A. Hebbelynk at the School of Free Graduate Studies, the teaching of Coptic was incorporated three years later into the programm of the Faculty of Theology. In 1898, it became entrusted to P. Ladeuze, whose work on Pachomian cenobitism, favoring Coptic sources, quickly established itself and was brilliantly continued by L.-Th. Lefort…
14,50 €
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