ISBN: 978-2-87457-142-8
REF. LCA35_15

Les péricopes de l’Évangile selon Marc en araméen christo-palestinien. Un apport des manuscrits du nouveau fonds sinaïtique

 = Paper = 

by Alain J. DESREUMAUX, in PINCHARD L. and HAELEWYCK J.-C. (eds.), Traditions et Traductions des textes bibliques. Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire (Langues et cultures anciennes, 35), Brussels, 2023.

Alain J. Desreumaux seeks to clarify the textual affiliation of the manuscripts newly discovered at Sinai, namely two new fragmentary gospel books (Sinai, NF, Syriac 11 and 56) and two new fragmentary medieval lectionaries (Sinai, NF, Syriac 41 and 42) . He concludes that these witnesses confirm his hypothesis of the existence of two types of text, a Sinaitic type and a Damascene-Palestinian type.

Keywords: Gospel according to Mark, Christian-Palestinian Aramaic, Sinai, Sainte-Catherine monastery, palimpsest manuscripts, lectionaries