ISBN: 978-2-87457-142-8
REF. LCA35_03

Marc 15,34 dans le Codex de Bèze et le Codex Bobbiensis

 = Paper = 

by Claire CLIVAZ, in PINCHARD L. and HAELEWYCK J.-C. (eds.), Traditions et Traductions des textes bibliques. Études de critique textuelle et d’exégèse en l’honneur de Prof. Christian-Bernard Amphoux à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire (Langues et cultures anciennes, 35), Brussels, 2023.

Dated around 400 CE, Codex Bezae (GA 05 or D) is so far the only surviving Greek New Testament manuscript of Mark 15:34 that presents a particular variant in the second part of Jesus’ last words on the cross: ὁ θεός μου ὁ θεός μου, εἰς τί ὠνείδίσας με ; (f. 345v, Quire 44-3v). The verb ὠνείδίσας με (“ you have reviled / taunted me”) replaces ἐγκατέλιπές με (“ you have abandoned me”) in the quotation of Psalm 22:2 by Jesus on the cross (see also Matt 27:46 and Gos.Pet. 5.19). Attested by three Old Latin witnesses (VL 1, VL 6 and VL17), and quoted by an anonymous Greek philosopher in the Apocriticus 2.23,6 of Macarius Magnes, this minor evidence has never been considered in the reconstruction of the NT Urtext, even if scholars like Burkitt, Turner or Harnack viewed it as original at the turn of the 20th century. Recently, a few textual criticism scholars (such as Ehrman, Rodgers, and Cate) have given attention to ὠνείδίσας με, mentioned shortly by a few exegetes (such as Brown, Carey, Marcus, and Focant), even if Mk 15:34 is one of to the most discussed NT verses. In tribute to the work of Christian Amphoux, this article wishes to demonstrate the importance of this minor evidence, transmitted in Greek by the Codex Bezae and in Latin notably by the Codex Bobbiensis.

Keywords: Gospel of Mark, crucifixion, Mk 15:34, textual criticism