Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique (3e édition)

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

77,50 €
Guillaume DUCŒUR. — Félix Nève (1816-1893) was a pioneer of Sanskrit studies, and Vedic studies in particular, at the University of Louvain, where he taught from 1841 after returning from a period of study in Paris with Eugène Burnouf. Despite the progress in Europe of critical research in the field of the history of religions of ancient India…
14,50 €
Christophe VIELLE. — Indology is an ancient tradition at the University of Louvain. The first Sanskrit course in Belgium was initiated there in 1841 by Félix Nève (1816-1893), a teaching that Charles de Harlez (1832-1899) continued and developed from 1877 onwards…
14,50 €
Chrestomathie sanskrite

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

89,00 €
Sanskrit classique. Cahier d’exercices

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

49,00 €
Enregistrement audio

by Sylvain Brocquet and Gopabandhu Mishra.  — Audio recording in French (See Details)

L’exégèse théologique du Mahābhārata. Le système symbolique des amśāvatarana
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This article does not at all deal with the controverted ideological theory of the ‘three functions’ such as used by Stig Wikander and Georges Dumézil in their interpretation of the Indian epics, but examines the basis of what could be called their ‘theological exegesis’ of the Mahābhārata: the fact that the main heroes of the story are symbolically presented as the ‘partial incarnations’ of the gods, born on earth with a ‘part’ of themselves. Avoiding the unsolvable problems of some (Indo-European, Indo-Iranian or even Vedic) reconstructions proposed by Dumézil, this essay underlines the importance of taking into account the aṃśāvataraṇa list at first as it is given in the text, itself enlightened by a significant passage from its ‘supplement’ (viz. the Harivaṃśa), since it provides us with a specific pantheon existing at the time of the elaboration of the epics. In that respect, the ‘theological exegesis’ of Dumézil will probably remain his most important contribution to the understanding of the religious meaning of the Sanskrit epics in its oldest state.
14,50 €
La reprise décalée, un procédé de renouvellement formulaire dans la poésie lyrique et épique grecque. Sur les composés gr. πολυδηνης / skr. púrudaṃsas-, gr. *μελιFεπης / skr. mádhuvacas-
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The stylistic figure which consists in replacing one element of a traditional syntagm or compound by an equivalent and taking over the cancelled element in another place with a different syntactic function was frequently used in epic and lyric Greek poetry and appears to be a traditional mean of formulaic renewing. According to this principle, one can identify old traditional formulae or compounds ‘hidden’ in the Homeric text (such as poludhvnh", which is known only through Hesychius, but has a perfect match in Sanskrit). This poetic device also enables us to reconstruct an inherited compound *meliÛephv" ‘with honey words’, corresponding to ved. mádhuvacas-, never attested in Greek poetry because of its metrical shape, but which was clearly known to Homer and Hesiod.
14,50 €
Remarques annexes concernant l’accusatif en hittite dans le cadre des langues indo-européennes
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The reader finds in this contribution many remarks relating to the use of the accusativ in Hittite with connexions to other old Indo-european languages, such as Greek, Latin or Sanskrit.
14,50 €