Égyptien hiéroglyphique. Exercices d'application

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See details)

39,00 €
Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique (3e édition)

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

77,50 €
Egyptien hiéroglyphique (4e éd., augmentée)

by Claude Obsomer. — This book is also available in English : "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian"

75,00 €
Le récit du Papyrus Westcar

by Laura Parys. — Book in French. This study deepens the literary analysis and provides a renewed interpretation of this narrative text. It contains a unique hieroglyphic transcription, together with a personal translation and philological comments…  (Details)

38,00 €

by Carl Meissner and Pierre Altenhoven. — Book in French (See Details)

36,00 €
Le récit du Naufragé

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French  (Details)

38,00 €
Pour comprendre les signes lapidaires

by Jean-Louis Van Belle. — Book in French (See Details)

33,00 €
Chrestomathie sanskrite

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

89,00 €
Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Sabellic Languages

by Reuben Pitts. — This work examines the grammatical expression of tense, aspect and modality (henceforth TAM) in the Sabellic languages, a group of epigraphically attested Italic languages spoken in the second half of the first millennium B.C.E. (See Details)

43,00 €
Dater les édifices du Moyen Âge par la pierre taillée

by Frans Doperé. — Book in French The study of the stone cutting techniques is used as a method to follow the progression of a medieval building site and to establish the relative chronology of the different parts of it (See Details)

89,00 €
Hébreu biblique. Grammaire de base

by Agnès Tichit. —  Book in French (See Details)

33,00 €
Hieroglyphic Egyptian

by Claude OBSOMER and Sylvie FAVRE-BRIANT. — This manual presents a pedagogical approach to the grammar of Middle Egyptian, the classical language of pharaonic Egypt… (Details)

75,00 €
Sanskrit classique. Cahier d’exercices

by Sylvain Brocquet. — Book in French (See Details)

49,00 €
Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques

by Jean-Claude Haelewyck. —  Book in French (See Details)

45,00 €
Sénèque l’Ancien
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
32,00 €
Égyptien hiéroglyphique. Série pédagogique

by Claude Obsomer. — Book in French (See Details)
 The grammar is available in English : "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian" (See Details)

Manuel de critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament

Chr.-B. Amphoux (dir.). — Book in French.

DetailsThe authorsTable of contents

59,00 €
Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine
by Marie-Pierre Arnaud-Lindet. — Book in French (See Details)
41,00 €
Vocabulaire d'architecture égyptienne

by Franck Monnier. — Book in French. The reader will find herein some 900 technical terms related to Egyptian architecture, together with their English translation and the Egyptian word, as well as numerous explanatory diagrams and colour photographs. The book also includes an English index. (Details)

49,50 €
Ad honorem per ardorem (grammaire)

by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details)

Ad honorem per ardorem (exercices)

by Alain Meurant and Anne-Marie Boxus. — Book in French (See details)

35,00 €
La morphologie akkadienne en tableaux

by Florence Malbran-Labat. —  Book in French (see details)

28,00 €
Pratique de la grammaire akkadienne

by Florence Malbran-Labat. — Book in French (see details)

40,00 €
Le verbe en hébreu biblique

by Agnès Tichit. — Book in French (See details)

56,00 €