» M
» Mora, Clelia
Les Hittites en Syrie du Nord : contacts, influences et échanges
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In the14th and 13th centuries BC, after Šuppiluliuma I conquered the North Syrian region, the Hittite state ruled over the small kingdoms of North-Syria ; diplomatic and commercial relations, as well as cultural exchanges, became frequent, with effects on the social organization, on the legal institutions, on the scribal and artistic traditions and on the local Syrian customs. In this contribution, some exemplary cases are examined.
14,50 €
Matthieu DEMANUELLI, Marco CAPARDONI, Maria Elena BALZA, Clelia MORA. — This paper provides a survey on the available documentation coming from the Anatolian site of Kululu, which lays in the region named Tabal in the Assyrian sources of the 9th-8th century BC…
14,50 €
Grands rois, petits rois, gouvernants de second rang
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This paper investigates the relations between the Hittite and the Assyrian kings during the 13th century B.C., with special reference to the use of the title “Great King”. New possible interpretations of some famous passages of the royal correspondence are proposed, as well of the attitude of the Hittite king towards the Assyrian king.

14,50 €