ISBN: 978-2-87457-136-7 | EAN: 9782874571367

Les figures égyptisantes dans les armoiries des ex-libris

= Paper =

by Gaspard LESBÉGUERIS, in BOYER V. and QUERTINMONT A. (ed.), Égypte et ex-libris. Entre fantasme, archéologie et imaginaire (Témoins d'Histoire, 9), Safran Publishers, Brussels, 2022.

In French. — At the mention of Egyptianizing coats of arms, one might tend to quickly imagine them the result of the French campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798-1801). This was partly the case, but ex-libris from the 18th century show us that Egyptian elements interfered earlier in the repertoire of heraldic figures. Still, the First French Empire provides the majority of these coats of arms, including pyramids, sphinxes, camelids and palm trees. What was then the profile of the producers of bookplates with Egyptianizing coats of arms, at a time following a French Revolution that allowed a new social and economic opening within society? How did this paper vignette make use of heraldry, a science bruised by the revolutionary troubles and whose use was even prohibited by the decree of the National Constituent Assembly of June 19, 1790?

Keywords: heraldry, coat of arms, egyptianizing, French Empire, First French Empire, ex-libris


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