ISBN: 978-2-87457-036-0 14,50 € Add to cartÉlamite. Analyse grammaticale et lecture de textes= Paper = J. TAVERNIER, « Élamite. Analyse grammaticale et lecture de textes », Res Antiquae 8, Brussels, 2011. -------------------------------------------------------------Elamite, a limited text-corpus language, was spoken in southwest Iran at least from c. 2350 till the fourth century BC. In this article a general overview of the Elamite grammar (writing system, phonology, morphology, and syntax) is presented. Following this presentation some texts will be discussed.--------------------------------------------------------------Actes de la Journée Langues rares(Institut catholique de Paris, 19 novembre 2010) :"L’Élamite et le Hatti" Volume | Other papers« Previous | Next »