ISBN: 978-2-87457-034-6
14,50 €

Migration des savoirs entre l’Elam et la Mésopotamie

= Paper =
J. TAVERNIER, « Migration des savoirs entre l’Elam et la Mésopotamie », Res Antiquae 7, Brussels, 2010, p. 199-222.
This article focuses on the transfer of knowledge and wisdom between Mesopotamia and Elam. Basically it is divided into three parts: (1) Historical overview of the transfer of knowledge until the second Millennium B.C.; (2) A case study if the transfer of Mesopotamian literature to Elam and (3) Transfer of knowledge from Elam to Mesopotamia. It will be demonstrated that the greater part of the transfer goes from west to east. However, Elam had also strong ties with its eastern neighbours. The transfer of Mesopotamian literature occurred in three subsequent phases and its evolution was finally interrupted by the coming of the Persians in Elam.
Actes des Cinquièmes Journées de l’Orient
Louvain-la-Neuve, 11-13 mars 2009 :
Entre Mer de Chine et Mer du Nord.
Migration des savoirs, transfert des connaissances, transmission des sagesses.
De l’Antiquité à nos jours

Volume | Other papers