ISBN: 978-2-87457-060-5 14,50 € Add to cartTours de guet et tours "swnww" dans la campagne égyptienne = Paper = Objects and iconographic evidences teach us that isolated towers strewed the Nilotic countryside during the first times of Egyptian history. Some Old Kingdom texts evoke swnww-towers, the various written forms of which remind the shape of these archaic towers. The evidences become scarce afterward, letting presume that this kind of work totally disappear from the Egyptian landscape in the New Kingdom.Closely associated with the defensive architecture, these seem to be above all connected to the agricultural landscape, as well as to the institutions that are connected with it. The recent discoveries of archaeological remains, as well as the existence of very similar towers attested at the beginning of our era, but also in the xviiith century, bring to update the state of the question.Special issue around the theme:"The rural World during the ancient Medditerranean Culture: Right/Laws, Religion, Trade, Practices" Volume | Other papers« Previous | Next »