/ Comment dessiner les hiéroglyphesHow to draw hieroglyphs Complement to the book "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian", 2015, by Claude Obsomer.Besides memorising hieroglyphs, one should also learn how to draw them in a both simple and accurate way.For the 200 signs most commonly found, animations showing how to draw the 200 most common signs are available on this page. These animations are based on Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy, by H.G. Fisher.Signs A | B | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AaClick on the hieroglyphic sign. A. Men 12479121314 1517192124252830 35404250525355 B. Women 1 D. Parts of the human body 123419212833 3435363740434652 5458 E. Mammals 1392334 F. Parts of mammals 4 12 13 1821 22 25 26 2729303132343536 394051 G. Birds 14 7 14 17 21 2528 2935363738394041 434754 H. Parts of birds 6 I. Amphibians and reptiles 691012 K. Fish 1 L. Invertebrates 12 M. Trees and plants 124812131516 172326364042 N. Sky, earth, water 1251114161821 2324252627282931 333435363742 O. Architecture 12934394449 P. Ships 1268 Q. Domestic and funerary furniture 123 R. Temple furniture 4811 S. Crowns, clothing, staves 34122428404142 43 T. Weapons, hunting, butchery 312142122283034 U. Agricultural instruments and tools 17131519212328 303336 V. Rope, baskets, bags 146710121323 2428293031 W. Vases 3491114171819 2224 X. Bread 148 Y. Writing, games, music 145 Z. Strokes, geometrical figures 479 Aa. Unclassified signes 12111518 A1B1Z2 Signs A | B | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AaSee also« Previous | Next »