ISBN: 978-2-87457-124-4 | EAN: 9782874571244
14,50 €

Les études élamites à l’Université de Louvain
Dernières-nées de la famille orientaliste

= Paper =

by Jan TAVERNIER, in Luc COURTOIS (ed.), Les études orientales à l’Université de Louvain depuis 1834 (Histoire, 12), Brussels, 2021.

This article discusses the history of Elamite studies at the University of Louvain. Within the research domain of Belgian Oriental Studies, the field of Elamite studies is the youngest one, as it only came into existence in 1976. In the 21st century, Prof. Jan Tavernier and Dr. Elynn Gorris have extensively developed this field of study, by publishing articles and organizing international congresses.

Keywords: Elamite


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