14,50 € ISBN: 978-2-87457-017-9Les Eubéens, premiers voyageurs grecs en Orient= Article = J. VANSCHOONWINKEL, « Les Eubéens, premiers voyageurs grecs en Orient », Res Antiquae 5, Bruxelles, 2008, p. 405-422. -------------------------------------------------------------Oriental objects are present at Lefkandi on the island of Euboea from the end of the eleventh century and Greek protogeometric vases, specifically euboean, are imported in the Levant in the tenth century. Contacts are maintained during the following centuries, especially with North Syria. From there and through Greek and Phoenician traders the Northwest Semitic alphabet and much technology besides were transmitted to Euboea and mainland Greece in the eighth century BC.-------------------------------------------------------------- Voir l'ouvrage | Voir les autres articles de l'ouvrage« Précédent | Suivant »