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Congé : Nos bureaux seront fermés et le traitement des commandes sera suspendu du 12 au 22 avril 2024.
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ISBN: 978-2-87457-046-9

Le parti pris des vases. Étude eugubine (IIIe-IIe s. av. J.-C.)

= Article =

J.-C. LACAM, « Le parti pris des vases. Étude eugubine (IIIe-IIe s. av. J.-C.) », Res Antiquae 9, Bruxelles, 2012.
In the Tables of Gubbio, a very important place is given to the dishes, which obviously play the role of receptacle for products involved in the sacrifice, but also have a specific religious role. This study attempts to define the nature and function of each of the mentioned containers and their ritual use. They have not only to supply the cooking of the sacrifice with a whole set of varied dishes or pans, but also to present offerings to the gods in suited plates or cups. Moreover, the containers go with the gesture, support the prayer. By the play of their colours, they even express the ambiguity of particular contradictory gods and, more widely, reflects a universe made of opposites which the rite has to reconcile.
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