» K
» Koemoth, Pierre P.
Pierre P. KOEMOTH †. — The author proposes an extended reading for the icon of the child-god crouching on the primeval lotus-flower or seating on the fruit of this “pink lotus” related to the heliotropic behaviour of the blue lotus-flower during the day but the selenotropic one of the white species during the night…
14,50 €
Fields, Mounds-Islands and Caves for the Nile Crocodiles. From Ethology to Religion in Roman Egypt
= Paper =
by Pierre P. KOEMOTH. — In the Nile Valley, the crocodiles behaviour was strongly conditioned by environment factors like the room temperature and the water level of the river fluctuating between raising and subsiding flood…
14,50 €
= Paper =
by Pierre P. KOEMOTH. — If this Osiris of the jtf3 wr temple is proceeding from a liturgy shared with next temples celebrating the Seth’s destuction, an archaic relation with this dynastic shrine explains also his appearance in the royal jubilees festivities through the participation of Isis, a real innovation in this way…
14,50 €