» G
» Gueye, Mariama
La place du sacramentum militiae  dans la guerre civile opposant César à Pompée
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M. GUEYE, « La place du sacramentum militiae dans la guerre civile opposant César à Pompée », Res Antiquae 12, Brussels, 2015.
14,50 €
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by Mariama GUEYE. — This article proposes to study the motives which explain the indulgent fate enjoyed by certain cities during the civil wars of Sulla to Caesar…
14,50 €
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by Mariama GUEYE. — This article addresses the critical views that Rome's enemies have made on the Roman fides in international relations at the end of the Republic, coinciding with a certain decadence of the moral values of Roman society…
14,50 €
Le délit de desertio et de transfugium dans les guerres civiles à Rome sous la République
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In times of civil war, desertion, which is a crime punishable by death, almost looks like a minor offense in the Roman army. Sanctions, usually reserved for deserters and defectors, are very rarely applied during the intestine wars of the Republic. The chiefs of the army, by buying the loyalty of soldiers openly, encourage and orchestrate desertion. In the context of chaos that characterized the conflicts between Romans led to a suspension of normal operation of the army, desertion is used as a political weapon by the military officials and political parties to weaken or eliminate the opponent.
14,50 €