Rostislav ORESHKO. — The present paper explores the evidence of the Hieroglyphic-Luwian inscription PORSUK from ethnolinguistic, epigraphic and historical perspectives…
14,50 €
Marcel MEULDER. — The name of Bias, Melampus’ brother, is originally Luwian. It means “ the man to whom a wife is given”. He woos Pero, the daughter of the Pylian king Neleus, as a reward of Melampus’achievement…
14,50 €
Claudia POSANI. — This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the figurative use of the word(s) for “head” in Greek and Ancient Near Eastern texts…
14,50 €
Au long de l’Eurymédon. Le pisidien
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by Claude BRIXHE. — 1890 : On the river Eurymedon’s upper flow (territory of Timbriada, Pisidia), discovery of 16 funerary stelae with a non-Grek epitaph (IInd- IIIrd c. A. C.). Today we have about 50 epitaphs.— Recently, southwards, on the territory of Selge, discovery of 4 indigenous inscriptions (same time)…
14,50 €
Le sidétique et le pisidien
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This contribution offers a short presentation of the Pisidian and the Sidetic languages who, such as the Lycian, are direct heiresses to the Luwian language. Yet, the documentation relating to Pisidian and Sidetic remains scarce. At the end of the article the reader finds a comparative board between the Luwian (cuneiform and hieroglyphic) and the Lycian languages.
14,50 €
La position de la langue lycienne : présentation grammaticale et lexicale d’une langue. Représentant du louvite résiduel
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We give here a short  grammatical and lexical presentation of the Lycian language in the perspective of an inheritage by an Anatolian language (5th-4th B.C.) from the Luwian : we find here an extraordinary example of linguistic continuity.

14,50 €
Ritual prescriptions in the etruscan "Liber linteus"
F. C. WOUDHUIZEN. — Le texte le plus long en langue étrusque est le 'Liber linteus', conservé aujourd'hui sous la forme de bandes d'une momie égyptienne exposée dans le musée de Zagreb…
14,50 €
Le(s) nom(s) de la montagne en louvite
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The name of the mountain in luwian raises difficulties, because of the use of the ideograms in both the hieroglyphic and cuneiform writings. Whereas *ariyatti- is an excellent candidate for cuneiform ḪUR.SAG-ti, it seems increasingly certain that the hieroglyphic sign MONS was read wati-. I showed that watti- “mountain” and other terms etymologically connected seem attested in cuneiform luwian as well. It is not, therefore, unimaginable that ḪUR.SAG-ti was read watti-.
14,50 €
Les cultes de montagnes dans le monde louvite
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Texts of IId millenium B.C. underline the importance of mountains in Luwian minds. A few mounts are connected to Luwians, as Arinnanda, where Mursili fought Arzawian refugees. Devotions have been given to Harhara and Sarlaimi. The Hieroglyphic Inscription of Yalburt attested the existence of a sanctuary in Mount Patara (Lukka-Lands), venerated by Tudhaliya IV.
During the Ist millenium B.C., many deities are linked to mountains through the epiclesis of Oreios/eia. There is even a god named Oros in Cilicia. We examine particularly the case of Meter Oreia, rarely assimilated (maybe to Nemesis and Adrasteia in Lycia, more certainly to Athena in Cilicia).
14,50 €
Éléments d’onomastique hourrito-louvite et la légende étrusque de Tagès
A. PORTNOFF. — The story of Tages is one of the most authentic Etruscan legends. Nevertheless, his name cannot be easily explained by Etruscan…
14,50 €