» B
» Blanc, Alain
Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin

Alain Blanc & Emmanuel Dupraz (dir.). —  Book in French (See details)

Rythme et syntaxe dans l’hexamètre. Les datifs pluriels des thèmes sigmatiques
= Paper =
In the sigmatic compounds of the Greek language, it is the root of the adjective which has imposed one of the three endings of the dative plural, <εσι, <εσσσι ou <έεσσι (μνηστηρσιν αναιδεσι vs ανδρασι δυσμενεεσσιν). Concerning the sigmatic nouns, the aoidos has ofen had a choice between <εσι, <εσσσι ou <έεσσι. If the place of words in the hexameter has its importance, rhythmical harmony of syntagms is also the matter.
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