» C
» Courtieu, Gilles

by Gilles Courtieu. — In French.

Who doesn't know Ulysses, from the earliest years, as a figure of the most ancient European literature?  Everyone thinks he knows him… (Details)

37,00 €
La magie du naphte ou Comment disculper Alexandre le Grand de l’accusation d’imbécillité
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G. COURTIEU, « La magie du naphte ou Comment disculper Alexandre le Grand de l’accusation d’imbécillité », Res Antiquae 11, Brussels, 2014, p. 27-52.
14,50 €
« Digne d’en rire ». Une célébration des Mithrakāna devant Cyrus et Alexandre les Grands ?
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by Gilles COURTIEU. — The celebration of the Mithrakāna, known today as Mehragān, is the second in relevance in the Mazdaean calendar. Yet heretofore evidence about it was scarce and scattered, so very little was known as regards the nature of such cult and its connection to the Avestic texts…
14,50 €
Sacrilège à Pessongoi ! Aspects culturels, religieux et théologiques de la correspondance des rois attalides avec le grand-prêtre de Pessinonte
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The attalid letters from Pessinous are exceptionnal documents for Antiquity, because of their secret nature. They allow the reconstitution of a tragic episod which affected the sanctuary: a sacrilege commited by Galatians. Facing the accident, the author of these texts expresses reactions rarely noticed, linked with theology. It may be added that the presentations of these events became possible by the simple change concerning the word Pessongoi, which figures in the beginning of the first letter.
14,50 €