» K
» Klock-Fontanille, Isabelle
Identité et altérité culturelles

Collectif. — Book in French (Details)

42,00 €
La Chine illustrée d’Athanase Kircher (China monumentis illustrata, 1667). La découverte des caractères chinois et son apport aux débats sur les écritures au XVIIe siècle
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The discovery and knowledge of Chinese characters in the 17th century nourished reflections about the principal ideas that occupied the thinkers of the 17th century. Kircher, best known as an Egyptologist, popularized information about China. As for writing, the comparison with Egyptian hieroglyphs allowed him to oppose on one hand a writing which corresponded to ordinary words and language used in everyday life, and on the other the subtlety and the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphs, which remained removed from the day-to-day life due to their inspiration stemming from more abstract ideas.
14,50 €
Les animaux domestiques dans les lois hittites
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Pets are very present in the laws of the Hittites. After trying to approach the concept of pet, we shall see what sorts of pets are present in the laws of the Hittites, and what their function and status are. We shall also show that it is not only the point of view of the legislator that is represented in the laws : religion is never far away, the laws of human society being like those of the cosmos.

14,50 €
La restructuration de l’espace graphique dans l’Anatolie du Ier millénaire av. J.-C. Présentation générale
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With the fall of the Hittite empire, [disappeared] the situation of stable digraphia which had marked the second millennium B.C. disappeared. Profound political upheavals will lead to the installation then to the triumph of the alphabet, especially of the Greek alphabet. So shall we discuss the expansion of the Phoenician, Aramaic, and Greek scripts, but also the appearance of original scripts, such as lycian, carian or sidetic, etc.

14,50 €
De cuneatis, quas vocant, inscriptionibus persepolitanis legendis et explicandis relatio ou comment Grotefend perça le mystère du vieux-perse
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This paper offers a Latin to French translation of the small account Georg Friedrich Grotefend gave about his attempt of deciphering Old Persian cuneiform. The Göttingen young Latin teacher’s article, which title is De cuneatis, quas vocant, inscriptionibus persepolitanis legendis et explicandis relatio, appears partly, at first, in the Göttinger Gelehrten Anzeigen in 1802-1803. The last editing version, by W. Meyer, dates back to 1893. This work represents the key of Old Persian decipherment but has never been translated to date. It seems all the more necessary to do it since severals differences exist  between Grotefend’s own account and what can be usually read on the topic.
So, this text allows us to follow the decipherer’s work and progress, and his method, as Grotefend himself notifies, from general considerations on the three writings attested on Persepolis monuments, to very precise readings and translations of Old Persian  cuneiform inscriptions, what he calls “the first Persepolitan writing”.
14,50 €
Le déchiffrement de l’étrusque. Histoire, problèmes et perspectives
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The aim of this study is definitely not to give a mere account of the decipherment of the Etruscan language, but to establish a connection between the history of that decipherment, the problems which had to be faced, and the issues usually raised by any decipherment. Consequently we will endeavour to describe demonstration procedures, to try to understand why the decipherment has assumed this shape and form, to analyse the methods which prevailed during that decipherment and the reasons why they were doomed to failure. Finally, we will examine the question of bilinguals: we will begin with the role played by bilinguals in various decipherments; then we will try to understand the part played by the tablets of Pyrgi, which will enable us to wonder about the main purposes of any decipherment.
14,50 €