ISBN: 978-2-87457-136-7 | EAN: 9782874571367

Le sphinx dans les ex-libris.
Une créature qui fascine

= Paper =

by Valentin BOYER, in BOYER V. and QUERTINMONT A. (ed.), Égypte et ex-libris. Entre fantasme, archéologie et imaginaire (Témoins d'Histoire, 9), Safran Publishers, Brussels, 2022.

In French. — Majestic and imposing, the Sphinx of Giza exerts a certain fascination on those who contemplate it. His facial expression, his massiveness, his enigmatic silence contribute to this strange mystery that envelops him. Beyond the symbol and the function of the egyptian sphinx, "emblem of wisdom united with strength, and the lion, symbol of courage", it evokes the journey to the East and offers a door to a distant past resurfacing from the sand that had swallowed it up for centuries. The sphinx becomes a cultural referent, making it possible to evoke ancient Egypt at first glance. This "sphinxomania" has not escaped the world of bibliophiles and the bookplates has become a privileged medium for revisiting this fascinating hybrid creature.

Keywords: sphinx, bookplate, egyptian revival, egyptomania, Giza, bibliophilia, book, engraving, egyptology, woodcut


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