
Comment dessiner les hiéroglyphes
How to draw hieroglyphs



Complement to the book "Hieroglyphic Egyptian. A Practical Grammar of Middle Egyptian", 2015, by Claude Obsomer.

Besides memorising hieroglyphs, one should also learn how to draw them in a both simple and accurate way.
For the 200 signs most commonly found, animations showing how to draw the 200 most common signs are available on this page. These animations are based on Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy, by H.G. Fisher.


Click on the hieroglyphic sign.

 A. Men
 B. Women
 D. Parts of the human body
 D01D02D03D04D19D21D28  D33
 E. Mammals
 E01E03E09E23  E34   
 F. Parts of mammals
  4 12 13 1821 22 25 26 
 G. Birds
 G01G04  G07G14  G17  G21G25G28
  1 14 17 21 2528 
 G29  G35G36  G37  G38G39  G40  G41
 G43  G47  G54     
 H. Parts of birds
 I. Amphibians and reptiles
 K. Fish
 L. Invertebrates
 M. Trees and plants
 N. Sky, earth, water
 N33  N34  N35  N36  N37  N42  
 O. Architecture
 P. Ships
 Q. Domestic and funerary furniture
 R. Temple furniture
 S. Crowns, clothing, staves
 T. Weapons, hunting, butchery
 U. Agricultural instruments and tools
 V. Rope, baskets, bags
 W. Vases
 X. Bread
 Y. Writing, games, music
 Z. Strokes, geometrical figures
 Aa. Unclassified signes

See also