ISBN: 978-2-87457-124-4 | EAN: 9782874571244

L’étude de l’Arabie ancienne à Louvain.
L’apport de Jacques Ryckmans (1924-2005)

= Paper =

by Virginie ALAVOINE, Johannes DEN HEIJER, in Luc COURTOIS (ed.), Les études orientales à l’Université de Louvain depuis 1834 (Histoire, 12), Brussels, 2021.

This paper concerns the contribution of Professor Jacques Ryckmans to the domain of studies and research on Ancient Arabia. After a contextualising introduction to this domain, we present Ryckmans’s scholarly career while pointing at its special features. In one section, we discuss the epigraphical and archaeological expedition that he carried out in 1951-1952 with his uncle, Gonzague Ryckmans, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the aegis of King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. The conclusion describes the various aspects of the development of South Arabian Studies in Belgium and elsewhere, until the present day.

Keywords: Jacques Ryckmans, Ancient Arabia, Saudi Arabia, South Arabian Studies, Mission to Central Arabia


Volume | Other papers