ISBN: 978-2-87457-124-4 | EAN: 9782874571244
14,50 €

Les études coptes, gnostiques et manichéenne à Louvain

= Paper =

by Christian CANNUYER, in Luc COURTOIS (ed.), Les études orientales à l’Université de Louvain depuis 1834 (Histoire, 12), Brussels, 2021.

After being initiated in 1891 by A. Hebbelynk at the School of Free Graduate Studies, the teaching of Coptic was incorporated three years later into the programm of the Faculty of Theology. In 1898, it became entrusted to P. Ladeuze, whose work on Pachomian cenobitism, favoring Coptic sources, quickly established itself and was brilliantly continued by L.-Th. Lefort. After the Second World War, the teaching of Coptic and coptological studies were continued within the Orientalist Institute by G. Garitte (in a mainly philological orientation) and J. Vergote (in a more linguistic orientation); in the field of Gnostic and Manichean studies, Julien Ries and Yvonne Janssens, disciples of Lucien Cerfaux, stood out. Since the split of the Catholic University of Louvain (1968), Coptic courses have been maintained both in Louvain-la-Neuve (Orientalist Institute) and in Leuven, not without difficulties despite the emergence of new fields of research, copto-arabic studies at UCLouvain and documentary papyrology at KU Leuven.

Keywords: Coptic, Coptological studies, Gnostic studies, Manichean studies


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