ISBN: 978-2-87457-059-9
14,50 €

Les batailles de Megiddo du roi Touthmosis III et du général Allenby. Questions d’itinéraires

 = Paper =

M. MICHEL, "Les batailles de Megiddo du roi Touthmosis III et du général Allenby. Questions d’itinéraires", in Chr. KARLSHAUSEN and Cl. OBSOMER (ed.), "De la Nubie à Qadech. La guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne – From Nubia to Kadesh. War in Ancient Egypt", Brussels, 2016.
If the battles of Tuthmosis III are not represented with figurative scenes, the walls of Karnak offer a real military report and the campaign of the year 23, aiming at taking hold of the city of Megiddo, is particularly well described with many details.
It is interesting to reconsider this text using the translation suggested by Redford and to compare the routes mentioned with those used by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) commanded by General Allenby during the Palestine campaign of World War I.